I care

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Sasuke POV

When I left I was angry he was stronger than he said and acted he was lying about everything is that why he had tails and ears a freak. Was he strong because of those tails and ears they blend in with him but the way the look they don't seem real. He was just lying to everybody but why did he lie to everybody did he not want us to know or did he think he could just do it because he wanted to. Did he want to show of today in the finals did he know this would happen that everything would go wrong or did he just guess. Why am I even bothering if I say so he will be kicked out of the village and I will become number one again nothing will stop me from being with her.

I stop as I see everybody and Sakura was in the floor with Karmic by her side healing her small wounds she already healed me. She looked up at me and for some reason she had a smirk on her face like she knew what happen like she could read my thoughts. Shaking my head I say "Is she going to be alright and were is Narumi?" she nodded and said "She will be fine and Narumi is looking for Naruto after she woke up form the genjustsu I told her" I frowned. She went looking for him again why not me did she worry about me? "did you tell her I was fine?" she looked up again with a smile this time. She then said "No she just said ' Were is Naruto I didn't see him in the crowd of people leaving and he wasn't in the stadium when I left and looked around please tell me were is he' then I said 'oh he is fighting out there aren't you worried about Sasuke though' she looked at me with a weird face and said ' he says he is number one he can take care of himself so if he comes just tell him I asked a little please I know he is over protective and all those stuff" she was now laughing on the floor when she saw my faces.

Sakura then woke up and she was laughing too she heard what she said oh no she heard her why did she not tell me she was awake and didn't she use to a have a crush on me. Karmin looked at me and whispered something to Sakura then she screamed. Why did she scream she then turned to me and slapped me in the face and said "who told you I still had a crush on you I don't like you anymore I like somebody else and he isn't you" I hasped and Karmin just kept laughing on the floor and Karmic came. Karmin told him what happened and he fell on the floor laughing too wow I will get not let this go on for long I will quick Naruto out of the village and then who is going to make fun of who.

Narumi POV

I sneezed as I got close to Naruto when I saw him on the floor with blood on him and Kakashi-sensei grabbing him up. I smiled as I saw Gaara on the floor knocked out he saved the village good job Naruto you did great. When I smiled Kakashi-sensei looked at me and said "Help me take Gaara please until we find his brother and sister" I nodded and took Gaara. He wasn't that heavy it seemed like he only weighed a couple pounds like he hasn't ate in a while. We got to the village and Gaara's brother and sister were there waiting so I took Gaara to them and they took him and said "Sorry he caused trouble he has been trying to keep the tailed at bay but he couldn't stop him this time" I nodded and said "its ok we know how that is but please if you can help us here with the destruction if you can?" they nodded and then left. When they left we took Naruto to the hospital and everybody greeted me and I said "please take care of my brother I think he isn't alright" they all looked at him for a moment. They had anger and hatred in there eyes but then they looked at me and smiled and nodded he will be fine because of something happens to him they will get the same punishment wont they.

We left Naruto with them and then we got out of the hospital and going to the Hokage Tower to see if my father was ok. When we got there we saw everybody and they were crying why are they crying did something bad happen did dad get hurt. I ran to the front and saw the third on the floor with a stab on his chest and he looked pale all around my mom came up to me and said "Sweety what are you doing here didn't you go with the others?' I look up at her and frown. My mom had tears in her eyes and she had a sad mood around her so I said "Mom what happened to the third is he going to be ok or is he dead?" I said the last one in a whisper because I knew she was going for the second one but I didn't want to here it. She said it and I ran away from the tower and to the hospital to Naruto I need to see if he is ok.

When I got there I told a nurse to tell me where Naruto was and she told me he was in the top room so I ran to the top floor in the hospital. I got to the top floor and looked for his room and when I got in I smiled when I saw him sleeping on the bed and he looked calm. At least I got you now but its ok o know you wont leave me because I won't let you leave me even if I have to marry a stranger. He will never leave me and I wont leave him ether I got on the bed and fell asleep with him by my side thinking I wont leave him until I die.

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