First day at the academy

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"Hi" out loud "Hi" Naruto talking to Kurama "Hi" thoughts "Hi" Kurama talking

Naruto is 11 and Narumi too Safire is 14

Naruto POV

It was the first day at the academy and the only person with me is Safire-nii and Samiro Safire -nii's dad. They were with me the whole way with their clan too and they even thought me how to use taijustsu since I was really bad at that in my training. Right now we were in the entrance and people were talking about me. I could see Safire-nii grow a tic she hated when people did that talked about me. So she screamed "CAN YOU STOP IF YOU WANT TO SAY SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING" and everybody stopped. She has become an Anbu just like I'll become when I am done with the academy just like Safire-nii said I would.

So when we entered the academy Samiro and Safire-nii said "we have to go but be careful and don't kill anybody" I nodded and they left. I went into my class and took a seat and was talking to Kurama " so Kurama who do you think can become my friend here?" he looked around. He was quite for a moment and then said "Maybe that girl over their and that boy right their" I looked at the girl. She had purple hair and lavender eyes she had the byakugan and the boy was next to her. He had a dog on his head and had brown hair and dog like black eyes. I nodded and then said "Maybe the girl but the boy has some kind of cocky oura"  Kurama nodded and then said "the uchiha is talking to you" I tuned out and turned to face him. He then said "are you listening dewb I said move I want to sit their" I heard Kurama laugh. I laugh a little bit and them said "why do I have to move why don't you sit somewhere else" he smirked and said "because I said so now move" I shacked my head no. Then two girls came and said "let Sasuke-kun sit their he is way better than you" I sighed and then stud up and sat next to the chair I was sitting in.

When I did that this so called Sasuke sat down next to me and then the two girls gave me death glares and said " I will sit their" then they fought for the chair. I stayed seated and stayed their until the teacher came in. I then said to Kurama "Can you cover for me I want to sleep" Kurama groaned. We argued for a while but I won and he took over. I fell asleep in the grass of my mind scape when Kurama came. He was laughing and then said " I got you in trouble" I groaned and said "how?" he just laughed. After a while he just played his memories in the mindscape.

~What happened~

Kurama was sitting next to Sasuke and he was looking at the back of his hair and then Sasuke said "why you staring?" Kurama then said " well I was looking at your hair and it looks like a ducks ass and for a moment I was thinking you were a duck and was about to cook you " almost everybody laughed. Then the Sasuke fan club came and said "he does not look like a duck he looks handsome" Kurama just laughed. Kurama then said "then you can call him a handsome ducks ass" they al got mad and people started to laugh. Then the Sasuke fan club was about to attack when Kurama came and said "You attack me and I will kill the duck ass right their" they stooped. Sasuke then came in and said "my hair does not look like a ducks ass ok" everybody then laughed then Kurama and Sasuke got sent out of class.


I was laughing my ass of when I saw everybody's faces and then one hit my eyes Narumi she was laughing. But I didn't care about her it was just to funny then Kurama stopped laughing and said "you know the teacher is talking to you" I payed attention and then fell asleep. The I got woken up when I heard Kurama laughing. When I woke up he said you should have seen their faces when they tried to hit you in your sleep" I smiled and said "who?" he smiled and said "Uchiha" I laughed. It would have been funny to see them try to hit me I know how to dodge in my sleep and if I didn't Kurama would do it for me. Then when I was done laughing I focused on what was happening and I was in the infirmary. They must have thought something was wrong with me wow so when i was ok I stood up. I walked out and then got a note to go back to my class I was just laughing the whole way since Kurama was telling me all bout what happened.

When I got to the class everybody started laughing I just smiled and went back to my seat and then Iruka-sensei kept talking. I didn't fall asleep this time and just blurred him out and talked to Kurama until he fell asleep. Then I just put my head down and then the teacher said we were dismissed and that in 2 weeks it would be show and tell so we can learn about each other. I was thinking of summoning Kurama and to see their faces would be so funny. So then I wen to Safire-nii's house and told her about summoning Kurama in class and she said "well you can do it if you want but tell me when you do it I want to see their faces" I smiled and said "me too!!!" then she nodded and left.

I already told her about Kurama when I was about 6 and she was ok with it and let me stay the same. So now Safire -nii was leaving so she can go and find a sword I can use for my swordsman training. She just started training me in it she thought I might need it if I have a enemy that can deflect my ninjustsu, genjustsu, and taijustsu. So right after she came back she came and gave me a wood sword and we started training but stopped when the sun was half way down. I had to go home so Narumi doesn't start to talk about me to mom and dad and have then search for me again. The only time that happens is when she notices me gone.

Narumi POV

When I got home I told mom and dad about school and of what Naruto did and they said "that's so good honey that kid must be a trouble maker" I was shocked. When they said that I almost screamed "Mom dad Naruto is your own son" then I left them and went to my room. I waited for dinner and then went down stairs. When we were eating Naruto came through the door and was all dirty. I excused myself and went to him and asked "Naruto-nii why are you all dirty?" he smiled and said "well I was training again is dinner ready?" I nodded. He went to wash his hands and then came back and sat down next to me and said "thank you for the food" and started to eat. Then I said "so Naruto why did you call the all famous Sasuke a duck?" he smiled. He looked at his food and said "I was just saying the truth I guess" I laughed a little.

We finished dinner but before we did I asked "Naruto what are you going to bring to the show and tell?" he laughed a little. Then he looked up and said "it is a surprise" and then kissed my forehead. I smiled and nodded and then washed my dish and went to my room and was drawing a picture for show and tell and looking for thing to show. After doing a lot I wen tot my bed and fell asleep.

Naruto POV

I got really good with Narumi and we are close but not brother-sister relationship she still has ways to go but I love her. So I don't treat her like crap so right after thinking that I went to bed talking to Kurama about training tomorrow. 


Hey guys hope you like the chapter and the picture is just for fun will update soon so please





Be Happy  

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