What did I tell you?

Beginne am Anfang


"Before he came me and Shona went to the park and what I said to Shona was if I could have one wish it would be for me and Professor Snape to be related. Just father and daughter. If you don't believe me you can go ask Shona herself" 

Snape didn't say anything; he just let Lucy's words sink in. Then he sat down on her bed and waited for her to react or something but she didn't. 

"Are you OK?" 

"Yes, I'm fine" 

"You don't seem like it" 

"I'm fine" she repeated but Snape, for once, couldn't cope with small talk 

"Your scar has healed a lot" 

"I know, it was rather kind of the minister to give me the potion" 

"I could of made you that potion, I was going to" 

"I know, you said you were going to" 

"Stop lying to me" Snape demanded all of a sudden, "I know there is something wrong with you" 

"Yes, a lot of things are wrong with me, one of them being I'm not right in the head. Or so I was made to think"  

"You're not made to think anymore, not when your with me" 

"It's hard to think that when you were forced to when you were slapped to think so" 

"I can't believe your parents did that to you - no let me rephrase that. I can but it's cruel and wrong. What sick twisted person would do that?" 

"I thought you were going to when you dragged me off of the roof. I've got to be careful as to who I trust from now on" 

"Lucy, I didn't know what I was doing. I was tired and - " Snaoe stopped in mid sentence to re-think what he was going to say

"Upset because Jessica's gone?" For once Lucy sat up and faced her dad


"That means 'yes' then" Lucy sighed, "I know you love her but its too dangerous and you know it" 

"That's true..." And suddenly Lucy's hair turned a dark blue which matched her mood, "so you want to tell me what's wrong?" 

"Alright, do you think my parents will ever find me again?" 

"Even if they do, they'll have to get through me first." This made Lucy smile. Knowing that even though she and Snape had their fights he would protect her. "So I guess we're friends again then" He assumed 

"Best friends" Lucy declared hugging Snape's arm, "why was I in the newspaper then? Come to think of it" 

"It wasn't just you it was also me and McGuire as well but the dailt prophet explained that Kingston came to Hogwarts and Dumbledore was to blame but luckily we were there to save the day" 

"Fair enough, so we're the good guys now?" 

"Yes, and the wizarding world knows about us" 

"Fame for us then!" 

"I suppose you could say that...But as we are, I decided recently to get a family crest created..." 

"You're kidding me" Lucy laughed as she raised an eyebrow 

"No, I'm not" 

"Well if it's a 'Snape' family crest I'm not part of it" 

"I consider you family" 

"Dad, listen, you choose your friends not your family! You just found me on the streets" 

"Yes, I know but I still consider you as family even if we're not related. You are my daughter" 

"That's very kind of you" 

"I know, so like I said I had a family crest created and here it is" 

Snape reached into his robe pocket and pulled out a gold chain with a locket hanging off of it. He put the locket in his palm and showed it to Lucy. She looked baffled by the images on it so he explained. 

"It's our patronuses, mine the doe and your the phoenix" 

"I didn't know your patronus was a doe?" 

"Well now you do" 

"Nevertheless it's a really pretty necklace" 

"And it's yours, it's your birthday present. It arrived late and I would of given it to you but I didn't want it thrown back at me" 

"Sorry..." She laughed, "me and my stubbornness" 

"It's OK, it's perfectly understandable" Snape smiled weakly then stood up, he placed the necklace in Lucy's hand then closed both of her hands together. And without another word he left. 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt