Chapter 10

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Harry never made it to the date. Niall waited an hour, but he never showed. He even checked the address to make sure he was at the right place. Harry stood him up.

Niall stormed into his apartment, ignoring his dog that tried to greet him. He was angry, upset, and hurt. All over again. He knew he shouldn't have agreed. Harry was heartless, and only cared about himself. 

Tears ran down his face as he rummaged through his cabinets, but came short of alcohol. He had none. He groaned, picked up a lamp, and threw it across the room. He felt satisfied when he heard it crash and shatter.

He was stupid. Harry was stupid. He was stupid for believing Harry was different. He was stupid for having feelings for Harry. Why was he in love with a heartless bastard?


It was around ten when Niall packed a bag, and headed for the gym his apartment had. Luckily, he didn’t have to go far. He didn’t want to run into one, nor was he in the mood to drive. He felt so angry, and he had destroyed half his apartment. He had thrown his plates, and cups on the floor, smashing each one. The only thing that wasn’t touched was his couch.

He still felt angry, and used. He never wanted to see Harry again, but they had work together. He couldn’t quit when rent was only a week away. Maybe he could start looking for a new job, and then quit? It sounded like a good idea, but he shouldn’t have to quit his job because of Harry. He was there first, and Louis was his best mate. He didn’t know what to do anymore.

He quickly entered the gym, thankfully nobody was there. He liked to be alone. He walked straight to the punching bags, ignoring the gloves that he was supposed to put on, and began to punch the bag. He arm flexed with each strike, and soon enough the whole bag was shaking, and sweat began to form on his forehead. His breathing was heavy, and he stepped back to wipe his forehead. He panted, and walked swiftly to the bench where his bag sat. He searched through it, until he found his water bottle. He took a quick drink, sloshing it around his mouth before spitting it out.

He then made his way to the treadmill, where he spent the next 30 minutes jogging.


He was sore afterwards. He could barely lift his arm, and if he did a stinging pain shot through his arm from his wrist. It was also swollen. “Maybe I should have used the glove.” He mumbled to himself as he examined his wrist.

He cursed as he twirling it around, and flinched from the pain. It looked sprained. He let out a sigh, and made his way to bed. He didn’t bother to clean his room. All he could think was, Harry better have a good reason for standing him up.


Niall awoke early the next morning, around four. His wrist was hurting even worse, and he quickly got up in search of pain killers. He fumbled around, not seeing any. He almost cried in frustration, and in pain. He thought about calling Louis, and ask to bring him painkillers.

He sighed, and trudged back to his room. He quickly texted Louis, and waited for a reply. It came soon, and he stayed in the living room. Not too long after, a knock came from his door. He stood, making his way to the door, and pulled it back.

Many emotions crossed him, shock, surprised, confusion, and then anger. His face set into a glare,

“Harry? What the hell are you doing here?”


All of your comments were amazing! Like seriously, you have no clue how hard it was to choose! 

I dedicate this chapter to Doncheshire bc her comment was fab and she noticed how Niall's body is changing from drinking, and what not.

I love ever single comment, and It took me forever to choose. Thank you! 

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