Chapter 1

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The next morning, Niall woke up with a horrible hangover. He doesn't remember much from the night before, and he planned to ask what happened. After Louis showed up, things became blurry and he didn't remember anything after that. Nor, did he remember the news Louis had shared with him.

Niall squinted his eyes as the light hit him, and he quickly covered his eyes from it. He groaned, and for a few seconds just laid there, unmoving. Until Malcum, his black lab, came running through the door carrying his food bowl.

"Hey boy." He whispered, removing his hands from his face, and instead patted Malcum on the head. "You hungry?" He took the food bowl, and groggily stood up. The dog began to wag his tail, and sat patiently for Niall. Niall stretched, and let out a big yawn as he stood, and made his way to his small kitchen. It had enough room for a round table, fitting four people, and a couple cabnets. He knew he didn't have the best place, but it was big enough for him and his dog. Since he was forever alone. He thought, bitterly.

As he began to prepare breakfast, his cell started to ring. He checked the ID, before answering. "Hey, Lou!" He greeted, happily.

"You're happy." Louis stated obivously.

Niall chuckled, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be happy?"

"Well, last night after I-,"

"Oh yeah! I don't remember much from last night. So tell me at work! I have to go, my bacon is starting to burn."

"Niall, wait-" he hung up, and grabbed his bacon.


After breakfast, he quickly got ready for work. Today, he had to work at the bar, and then he got to perform songs. He pulled on light blue skinnies, and a black tee-shirt. His work didn't have a uniform, since he worked in a bar.

He quickly kissed his dog goodbye, beforing running out the door, locking it behind him, and jogged down to his car. Memories flashed in his head of all the times he and Harry were in this car. He got them every time. He pushed them away, and hopped into his car.

He soon arrived, and greeted people as he passed them. He had grown to know all the people who came to the bar. Some were regulars, coming everyday. Others came once a week, or a couple times a week. A lot of them came to see Niall sing, though. They said he had talent, and he should work on a music career, but he didn't see himself fit to make it in the music industry.

Niall approaced the bar, and jumped behind it, scaring Louis. He let out a girly scream, dropping the cup he was holding. "Such a girly scream you got there, Lou." Niall chuckled.

"That was a manly scream, thank you." He glared at the boy for a long minute, before picking up the cup he dropped.

"Why the hell are you in such a good mood?" Lou asked. Niall shrugged, "I guess I just am."

"Niall, I really need to talk to you, since you don't remember what I told you."

Niall waved him off, and began making a drink for a lady. "It can wait. I'm sure it's not that important."

Louis sighed, and turned away. "Oh, but it is." He whispered.


"Niall, you are needed on stage!" Louis shouted. It was finally time for Niall to sing. He carefully grabbed his guitar, the same one he got on his 18th birthday, and walked slowly on stage. He sat on a stool, and started to strum the intro to Let her Go by Passenger.

As he sang, he met eyes with several people, each singing along with him. He met eyes with someone who almost took his breath away. He couldn't see his face, since it was so dark, but his eyes. They looked so familiar. He quickly looked away as a chill ran up his back, but he found himself looking back to those eyes. But he was gone.

Niall sang a couple more songs, before he quickly left the stage. He couldn't get those eyes out of his head. He knew those eyes, but he didn't want to think about it. Anybody could have green eyes.

"Ni, you okay?" Louis asked. Niall shook his head, and rubbed at his head.

"What...what was that news you had to share with me?" Niall asked quietly.

"Harry...He is back in town." Louis said, slowly. Niall nodded, he had seen him.


Niall downed a shot of vodka, he wanted to get smashed tonight. He wanted to forget he ever met Harry. He was really here, Harry was really back. Why now? Why after 3 years? What was his purpose?

He downed another shot. And another, and another. And many more after that.

"If you drink anymore, you're going to have to go to the hospital." Someone said from his right. He turned towards the voice, but his vision was blurry. "M'sorry, do I know you?" He asked, his words slurring.

He didn't bother waiting for the man to reply, "No, so you can't tell me what to do." He snapped.

The man sighed, and pulled Niall off the stool, wrapping his arm around his waist. "Where do you live?" He asked.

"Why, so you can steal from me?" Niall slurred, and slumped against the man. The man snorted, while shaking his head.

"No, I just want to get you home. Safe." The man snapped.

Niall tried to pull away from the man, only to be pulled back. "I already have a cab waiting outside. You can let me go." Niall said, and once again tried to pull away from him.

"I'm just trying to help." He sighed. Niall shook his head, and pulled away once again, and this time he let him.

"You don't know me, we're just strangers. Don't worry about me." Niall walked away, tried to at least, tripping over his own feet.

"But we do know each other." Harry sighed, and watched the man he fell in love with, walk away. What the hell happened to him?


So they met again, kind of? Hahah... But poor Niall. :( I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter of Tainted. I'm really excited to write this story.

And wow, last chapter got over 100 votes! I only asked for 20! Incredible. You guys always surprise me. :)

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