Chapter 8

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Dedicated to arietem for the new cover xx 

Alcohol pumped through his veins, and his head pounded. His eyes swept across his room once, twice, trying to focus on anything. His room spun, and his vision blurred. A sigh escaped his mouth, followed by his tongue to wet his chapped lips. He hissed at the contact; he had bitten the skin off his lip out of stress.

He wanted to stand up, and go outside, but he felt numb. He couldn't feel his legs, and he barely registered lifting his arm to bring the bottle to his lips.

A bottled water, and four pills laid out on his desk for morning. He had laid them there before he had gotten drunk.

He emptied the bottle, and carelessly threw it aside. He wanted to forget Harry's name, but he forgot his instead.


He awoke with a pounding in his head. It felt like a hammer hitting him. He winched at the sun light, and his eyes glanced towards the clock resting on his desk. It was past three.

His hand twitched, and he realized he was holding an half bottle of alcohol. He placed it next to his water, and grabbed that and the pills instead. He laid them out on his tongue, and easily downed them with water.

He laid back down on his pillow, and let out a sigh. His eyes fell shut, and sleep easily took him.

He didn't go into work that night. He slept for another four hours, until his phone woke him up. It was Louis. He didn't answer.

Then Liam called, and that is when he remembered Liam and Zayn flew in today. He ignored it.

"Niall...I hope you're okay, mate. We can't get ahold of you, and you didn't answer your door... Uh, give me a ring when you can." Liam had left him a voice message.

Liam called a few times after that, but each call was ignored, until it stopped. His phone didn't ring anymore, and the pounding in his head came back. But sleep greeted him once more.


"Are you sure he is okay?" Liam asked Louis. It was unusual for Niall to ignore his phone, and he knew he was home. Every light was on in his house, and his car was parked out front.

Louis sighed, and shook his head. "Honestly, no. I've been thinking about finding him help. Its not healthy; physically or mentally. He is still so hung up over Harry, its.. Its crazy!"

"Hey, you can't blame him. He loved, loves, Harry; you obviously never been in love. And this is Niall we are talking about. The boy who had only one friend growing up. He is going to get attached to everyone who shows him any kind of love."

Louis sighed in defeat, and nodded. "I know, you are right."

"Always am." Liam smiled gently.

"The best thing to do right now is be there for him, like good friends."

Louis nodded, and agreed.


Niall didn't go into work the next day, either. His phone died long ago, and he had no energy to plug it in.

Everyone was worried about their dear friend. His phone didn't ring, and he didn't answer the door. But his lights were still on, and his car left untouched.

He didn't move from his spot on the bed; only to use the restroom. He didn't eat, or shower. He had no reason. He wasn't going anywhere.

His friends came by every few hours, including Harry. He was also worried for his old friend.

"I just want our Niall back." Zayn had cried into his boyfriends arms that night. "He isn't the same anymore, I just want him back!" He sobbed in Liam's chest.

It seemed each boy cried that night; except Niall, who settled on another night of trying to forget Harry's name.


This was written at four in the morning, and I am exhausted. I think I will go to sleep now. Goodnight xx

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