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Sabrina's POV
We arrived at Peyton's house and I quickly got out out of the car and walked over to his doorstep. I knocked and a few seconds later Payton opened the door. "Wow. You look great Sabrina." I beamed. "Thanks. You look great yourself. Do you mind if you and I take your car. I don't want you stuck in the back." I asked. I clearly just want to hang out you and I. "Yeah no problem." I smiled and handed him the necklace he gave earlier today. "You said you wanted to."
He smiled and took the necklace. He clipped it together and I turned around. "It still looks beautiful. Alright let's go." We walked down onto the driveway Peyton got into his car. I told my parents he was going to drive and we left.
"Thanks for inviting me Sabrina. But you didn't have to. It's a family night. I'm not exactly family." He said. He kept his eyes on the road and I just watched him drive. "No it's fine. You said you wanted to do something together. Now we can." He smiled and nodded his head.
We got to the restaurant and all grabbed our table. "So Peyton it was nice of you to get Sabrina that necklace. It looks great on her." Dad said. I wanted to face palm myself. "Thank you sir. I saw one on set and asked to have another one made but with Sabrina's name on it. I think it looks great on her." He said. I could tell he was somewhat nervous. "Thanks Peyton. I think he just didn't have any ideas, so he took something from set." I said taunting him. "I did not! That cost me some money." I went wide eyed. "Peyton! Tell me this was less than $50." I said. He shook his head. "Hey that's good though. Guys should be spending money on their girlfriends. Shows some appreciation."
"Dad n-"
"You've got yourself a keeper there."
"No we ar-"
"We are glad you agree. Because I wasn't going to let her go in the first place." Peyton said. I looked at him shocked. He smirked. Oh boy.

We paid and Peyton and I got back in the car. Mom and dad invited him to our house. "So what was that?" I said as he closed the door. "I didn't want your parents to think that you invited me as a friend. It's a family dinner. Don't worry about it. It'll blow over my friend." He said explaining himself. It doesn't need to blow over. Then my phone rang. It was Michael. "Hey Michael what can I do for you?"
"Oh. Okay that's fine."
"No it's not a problem. It's acting. Part of the business."
"Alright have a good night. Bye."
Peyton looked at me as I hung up the phone. He started the car and we followed my parents home. "What was that about?" He asked. "Oh it was Michael. He said there was a problem with one of the scenes today so we will have to reshoot." I said. He nodded his head. "Which one?" He looked at me. I made a kissy face and he turned back to the road. He smiled. "Why are you smiling? Short stack is a horrible kisser, I thought you said." He shrugged his shoulders."
"I forget what it felt like so I'm game." He said nudging me. "Sorry Huckleberry not happening." He look over at me and stopped at the light. "You have something." He gestured to my face. "What where?" I asked looking. "Here I got it." He leaned in and out his hand out. But instead he kissed me. He leaned back and started driving. "Oh yeah you better tell Michael I need a body double. I don't think I can do that again." He joked. I looked at him shocked. "What?" He said laughing. "Nothing."
"Did I offend you? I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I was joking." I shook my head. "No I was just surprised." He nodded his head. We pulled into my driveway. "You know I have that effect on people." He said matter of factly. "Yeah no you don't." I said and got out. "Oh come on you know I do. Don't deny it. You love me." He joked. I opened the front door. "Yea I do. Which sucks." He walked in and we quickly took our shoes off before we walked upstairs. "We will be right down dad!" I shouted from the top of the stairs. We went into my room and I went into my closet to change into something a little more comfortable. He looked around the room admiring the picture on the walls, and the albums on my desk. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a tee shirt and took off my dress. I threw the pants on before he turned to look at the other walls facing me. "How many times are you going to turn around while I'm changing?" I asked. I put the tee shirt over my head. "I'm sorry. Maybe I should stay out of the room your changing in."
"You wanna change or no?" I asked. "You don't have any male clothing. Besides your dads and I will not be changing into your fathers clothes." He said. I rolled my eyes and went to my dresser, opening a drawer full of his clothes that I stole from set. I gave him a pair of track pants, a tee shirt and a sweater. "Wait why do you have my clothes?" He asked. "I stole them from set. You left them around." He took off his blazer and dress shirt and threw on the t shirt. I put my hands up and walked out of the room to let him change his pants. He came out a minute later with his clothes folded neatly. I took them and set them on my dresser before we went downstairs. Dad looked at me then Payton before furrowing his brow. "So those are his clothes?" He asked, talking about what Peyton was wearing. "Yea, he left them around set so I stole them. That's what good friends do for each other." He offered Peyton a mug of coffee and he accepted. I grabbed mine and we all sat down in the living room. "Oh Peyton where'd you get those?" Mom said walking in. "I gave him them. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable." She nodded. "I knew those were someone's clothes."
"Alright well what are we watching this year Sabrina?" Dad said.
"Well Peyton's here so he can choose." I said. I gave Peyton the floor and he shrugged. "Have you guys ever seen mission impossible?" He asked. "Only the first one."
"We watched that one last year."
"Can we watch the second one?" I asked. Dad nodded and put the movie on. I dimmed the lights and sat down next to Peyton. It was him and I on a big chair and everyone else was on the couch. I put my head back on Peyton's lap and he played with my hair during the movie. The movie ended and we all got up. "I should get going. Thanks for having me Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter." I walked him to the front door. "No problem Peyton. Feel free to come anytime." He smiled and looked at me. "Happy birthday Sabrina." He gave me a hug and I opened the door for him. He left and I turned around to see mom and dad staring. "What?" I asked. "He's a keeper." I sighed. "We're not dating."
"But he said you were." Mom said. "He thought you guys would like that better than if he said I invited a friend to dinner."
They nodded. "Well then you should go after him."
"What no mom. I don't like him." Dad laughed. "Yeah okay sweetie. You don't have to lie to us. We saw you in our rear view mirror."
I looked at him confused. "What?"
"We saw you two kiss."
"That was nothing. Strictly work."
"You weren't at work. You were in the car."
"Then you didn't see me get off the phone with Michael. We are reshooting a scene tomorrow. And that's in it." I walked away from the door and began making my way upstairs. "What's in it?"
"I'm sorry I don't know what's in it."
"Peyton and I have to kiss tomorrow. Is that what you want to hear? It's no big deal." I said shrugging it off. "Whatever you say honey." I walked into my room and noticed Peyton's clothes on my dresser. He forgot them. I grabbed his blazer and a hanger and hung it up. I neatly put his pants in the drawer and grabbed another hanger for the shirt. It was a nice dark blue and purple shirt. I took it off the hanger and took my sweater off. I put the shirt on and let it drape down my thigh. I looked in mirror. "Isn't that Peyton's?' Sarah asked walking into my room. She sat on my bed. "Yea. He left it here. I wanted to see if this colour would look good on me." I took the shirt off and hung it back up. "You like him." She said. I hung my head. "Sarahhhhh." I came and laid down on the bed beside her. "I won't tell mom and dad." She said, trying to negotiate. "Why does it matter?" I asked. "You two look cute together. You were sad during Valentine's Day and Peyton noticed. He asked you if you wanted to go for dinner. Who does that?"
"Friends do that for each other when they don't have anything planned."
"Friends? Are you telling me you haven't gone through his jacket yet?"
"What?" She got up and went to Peyton's jacket pulling out a letter from his side pocket. She threw it at me and I turned it around to see my name on the envelope. "This doesn't mean anything. And it's not mine." I put the letter back in his pocket. "It has your name on it."
"He didn't give it to me so it's not mine." Sarah shrugged and got up. "But do you like him?" I turned to face her. "No Sarah. We are just friends."
I arrived on set early so I went to my dressing room. "Ohhhh Sabrina!!!" He called. "Ohhhh Peyton!!"  I called back. He walked into my dressing room and sat down next to me. "I forgot my clothes at your house." He said. "I know. I hung up your shirt and jacket so don't worry about it. They will still be in pristine condition when you pick them up. He smiled. "So how was your night?" He asked. I looked at him weird. "You mean once you left?" He nodded. "Oh it was fine. My parents lectured me though." He turned to face me. "About what?" He asked. "Oh about you. They kept saying I liked you and blah blah blah. You cause a stir in our house." He smiled lightly. "Do you?" He asked.
"Do I what? Like you?" He nodded. "Do you like me?" I asked. He looked up at me. Just then Rowan walked in. I stood up. "Row!" We hugged. "Happy after birthday!" She said. She handed me a small box. I opened it to se the two rings from set that we wear. "What is this? Row are you stealing?" I asked her. "No I bought them. From the studio. So that we don't have to stop wearing them. Happy birthday Sab!" We put them on. "Thanks Row. But you didn't have to. I love it though." She smiled. "Imma go get ready. I'll be right back." She smiled. She smiled and I turned back around. Peyton was on his phone. "5 minutes till reshoot!" We heard. "I better get ready. I'll see you in a few minutes." He got up. He left the room and I changed before going to hair and makeup.
I walked on set and got in position.
Hey Maya, happy birthday." Lucas said.
"Thanks Huckleberry." I smiled.
"I got you a little something. Nothing big. Here." He handed me a small box. I opened it up to see a silver necklace, with a silver lace heart. In black 'Maya' was on the front. I looked up at Lucas and smiled. I gave him a big hug and lingered. I could stay in this moment forever. I released from his embrace and smiled. "Can you help me put it on?" I gave him the necklace and moved my hair. He attached the two ends and I put my hair back, looking at it. "This means a lot to me. Thanks Lucas."
"You're worth it"
We hugged again and this time when I let go I quickly moved in and pressed my lips against his.
I lingered as the camera quickly panned to Rowan, Corey and Amir. Their mouths were open and they were all staring. "And we're good!" I got down from my tippy toes again. "Hey Sabrina?" He asked, still close to me. "Yeah?" I asked.
"Are you still open?" He asked. I remember what he meant. I went back on my tippy toes. "Well Huckleberry that depends." I whispered. "On what?" He asked. "If it's worth it." He smiled. "It's worth it." I leaned in and quickly pecked his lips. I walked back but was quickly pulled back by Peyton. He pressed our lips together. I pulled away after a few seconds. "I should go." I said quietly. I turned around and walked away. I didn't look behind me and walked into Rowan's dressing room. "What was that Sab?" She asked. I looked at her. "I don't even know." She laughed and pulled me down onto the couch. "You guys have been flirting all week. Sarah said he came out for dinner with you guys and told your parents he was your boyfriend." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. It was nothing he didn't want to make my parents think I brought a friend our for dinner." I explained. She nodded. "And you guys kissed? Like 4 times. No wait 5 no wait 6." I cringed. "You saw?" I asked she nodded. There was a knock on the door. "Come in Peyton." Row said. "How do you know it's Peyton?" I asked. She rises he eyebrows and Peyton walked in. "Hey Huckleberry." I said. "Hey. Sabrina they need us back." I nodded. Him and I left and walked to set. "Hey guys, we are changing the scene. Can you try this instead?"
Hey Maya, happy birthday." Lucas said.
"Thanks Huckleberry. Glad you could come." I smiled.
"I got you a little something. Just to say thanks for being here, with us." He handed me a small box. I opened it up to see a silver necklace, with a silver lace heart. In black 'Maya' was on the front. I looked up at Lucas and smiled. I gave him a big hug and lingered. I could stay in this moment forever. I released from his embrace and smiled. "Can you help me put it on?" I gave him the necklace and moved my hair. He attached the two ends and I put my hair back, looking at it. "This means a lot to me. It's beautiful."
"Something beautiful for someone beautiful."
"Huckleberry are you flirting with me?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled.
"Hehe no. Maybe."
"Well thanks for the necklace Huckleberry. I'll be sure to get you a necklace for your birthday."
"Okay I appreciate it. But you can't regift."
"Oh does someone need a hug?" I leaned in and hugged Lucas. I pulled away and quickly leaned in to kiss him. We kissed for a few seconds before we pulled away.
I walked off set slowly and Rowan was waiting for me. "8." She whispered. "Row!" I punched her arm. "I'm going to go change." I said. I felt Peyton behind me. I turned around and sure enough here he was. "You can talk." I said. I slowed down and fell in step. "Sorry. Just lost in thought. Anyways what are you doing tonight?" He asked. "Write for a little bit. Other than that just chilling." He nodded his head. "You mind if I come over. Maybe pick up my stuff?" He asked. "Please do come. Not a problem. Just come over whenever." We got to my dressing room and I looked at a note on my door. "Right. So some homework will have to be done as well." I said, pulling the note off the door. "Don't worry I got some too. We can work together if you like." I smiled. "Okay. Let's do it." After filming I quickly went home. Peyton said he was coming soon so I went to my room and grabbed the letter. The envelope wasn't sealed. I opened it and pulled out a piece of paper. It had three words on it. I stared at them for what seemed like a long time. I put the paper back in the envelope and the envelope back in his pocket.
20 minutes later the doorbell rang and I walked downstairs. "Ohhhh Sabrina!!!" He called. I opened the door. "Ohhhh Peyton!!!" I called. He ran inside and picked me up, running into the living room and plopping me down on the couch. He stood over me and laughed. He held out his hand and I took it, pulling him down onto me. He turned over and started rubbing his back on me. "What are you doing?!" I laughed. "I'm itchy." He got up and this time I did too. "Okay. Your clothes are upstairs so whenever you wanna get those you can." I started. "Now Sabrina we need to be responsible teenagers and get our homework done." I stared at him blankly. "You're funny. I need to grab my books from upstairs. Unless you wanna work there."  I looked at him. "We can just stay here." He said. I nodded my head and quickly ran across the house to go upstairs. I came back with my books and Peyton was gone. His bag was still there but he wasn't. "Ohhh Peyton!!" I called. Nothing. I walked around the house and into a hallway when the lights went out. "Peyton!!" I called louder. All the lights in the house were out and the hallway was pitch black. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my torso and I screamed. "Peyton!!!" He threw me back onto the couch. "Why?!" I yelled. "Because. It's fun. Especially when you yell my name. " I slapped his arm and got up. "Just for that we are working here. So you go grab the books. He walked into the kitchen and came back with our books. I sat in the chair and draped my feet over the edge and Peyton took the couch. "We aren't even learning the same thing." I said. "You're a year ahead." Peyton shrugged his shoulders and put his pencil down. "It still gives us time to spend together." He said. "You are such a sap." I said. He laughed.
"Okay I'm done. I don't know about you but I need something to drink. You want anything?" I asked Peyton. "Just water thanks." I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two glasses each filling them with water. I came back and gave him his cup. "Thanks. I think I'm done. Wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Yea sure. How about the third mission impossible?" I asked. He nodded. I put the movie on and we both sat on separate ends of the couch. I leaned towards Peyton and put a pillow under my elbow, slowly making my way towards him. He looked at me. "Wanna share that pillow or do I need to rent one?" I moved closer and he leaned on the pillow. I rested my head on his shoulder and continued watching the movie.
I moved so I was laying right next to Peyton, leaning on his side. Put your arm around me. Tell me you love me. I draped my arm over his stomach and he put his arm on my side pulling me in closer.
The movie ended but we were both out cold. I woke up a few hours later to see that Peyton and I moved down the couch so that the armrest was a pillow for him. I fit snug in his frame. Dad was reading the newspaper in the chair. "Hey princess. Have a nice nap?" He said. I felt Peyton stirring behind me. "What time is it?" I asked. Peyton lifted  his arm to look at his watch. "6:15." He said. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Whoops sorry." He moved his feet and sat beside me. "Well I should get home for dinner." He stood up and my dad put the paper down. "Nonsense. You can stay for dinner. I'm sure Sabrina wouldn't mind her boyfriend staying over for dinner." He said boyfriend on purpose. "We aren't- never mind. Yea I mean you can stay but only if you want." He held his hand out and helped me up. "But only if you want me to." He said.
"Only if you want to."
"Ladies you wanna decide already?" Dad said. I looked at Peyton. "Oh alright. But only if I get a kiss..." Are you kidding me. I looked at Peyton. "You" I put my finger on his chest "have gotten enough today."
"Uh yea from Maya. Come on I miss my Sabrina kisses."
"You are too much for me sometimes." I said laughing. "Come on let's set the table." He followed me into the kitchen and we started setting the table. Once we were finished we stood at the island. "You know I saw there was a place set out for me." He started. "Yea. Because you said you were staying for dinner." He shook his head. Mom was cooking 10 feet away. "Oh Peyton are you staying?" She asked. "I don't know. I told Sabrina I would under one condition but it hasn't been met yet."
"I-" Peyton gave me a look and I knew I couldn't make an excuse. I put my hands up in surrender. I walked up to him and got on my tippy toes. I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed his cheek. "Are you happy?" I asked. "What was that for? I didn't ask for that." Dad walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "You were serious?" I asked. "Afraid so." He responded. I went up and quickly kissed him. Except he pulled me in, making the kiss last longer. I pulled away. "No more. Ever." I said pointing my finger at him. "Alright kids dinners ready!!" Mom called bringing the pot over. Inside there was pasta. We all sat down and mom started giving out the food.

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