chapter 2

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A few days later, when Dan is out shopping again, he passes by Boots and stops for a second - considering his actions - before stepping inside. Dan wanders around, not quite sure what he's looking for. He picks up some shampoo for good measure and ends up wandering into the contraception aisle.

There are a few hesitant-looking woman hovering around the aisle, obviously self-conscious about being seen around condoms and pills and pregnancy tests. Dan is equally self-conscious; he gets his birth control from the GP every three months and he hasn't bought condoms in over two years now.

His eyes look over the pregnancy tests again and his mind re-considers the thoughts from a few days before. He's still nauseated in the mornings but that could just be a stomach bug. He idly picks up one of the kits.

He's not saying that he is pregnant; he's just eliminating the possibility.

Pregnancy tests aren't such serious things. They can't be. Hundreds of woman and Carriers take them every week. They are not scary things, Dan tells himself. He is not a teenager anymore, he is a fully grown man with complex biology and he is definitely not scared of a pregnancy test.

So without hesitation he grabs a test from the shelf and proceeds to the self checkout.

* * *

The Boots bag carrying the test feels unusually heavy in his hands and Dan reminds himself how stupid he's being. He's an adult now. Phil isn't even home at the moment; he's at PJ's.

Dan opens the packaging of the test slowly, grabbing the instructions so that he can read it through and hopefully still have his wits left by the end of it. He refuses to be defeated by something as stupid as a pregnancy tests.

"This is so stupid," he mutters to himself. Just get on with it.

Needless to say, the test is quite simple; it's the wait that's the worst part.

Dan waits the five long minutes in silence, not letting himself peek before he is entirely sure that the result will be accurate. It's a ridiculous amount of stress when Dan is so obviously sure that he's not pregnant.

The timer on his phone rings and Dan flinches at the sound. Fumbling with the screen, he turns it off and finally looks down at the test, secretly hoping it'd say "just fat" like the meme.


Two stripes.

Dan checks the leaflet quickly, hoping that two lines doesn't mean what he thinks it does.

It does.



another short chapter i know, they'll be longer eventually i promise what do you think so far? 

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