Fugitive - Chapter 9

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There was no immediate call to action. Once the deal had been struck with Merlin, Aubrey found herself in a strange limbo as she waited for him to be ready. Days passed as the man did nothing but sleep and eat his weight in food. Apparently being in a self-induced magical sleep for several decades had a major effect on a man's appetite.

Turning her head away, Aubrey covered her mouth with her hand. Watching the blonde haired man stuff that much food in his face was enough to make her feel queasy. It appeared taking a long nap also diminished one's desire to adhere to table manners. He didn't even bother with a knife and fork; instead he used his hands to scoop as much mashed potato and gravy into his mouth as humanly possible. Even after several days, he made no attempt to eat in a less repulsive manner.

As he pushed his plate away from him with a loud screech, Aubrey glanced back around to see the man wiping his face on his sleeves. The food, which had been smeared across his face only seconds before, was now smeared across the once pristine white shirt Evelyn had given him.

"You missed a bit." The redhead said as she tapped her chin. With her nose wrinkled and a frown between her brows, Aubrey knew that she was not doing a very good job at hiding her disgust.

With a grunt, Merlin swiped his fingered over his chin, effectively removing the remnants of food before swiping his fingers over his trousers.

"Aubrey? Can you help me in the kitchen?" Evelyn asked, rising g from her seat with grace. Her face was impassive as her eyes rested upon the legendary man eating at her table for several long seconds before she met Aubrey's gaze.

Eager to be away from Merlin for a few minutes, Aubrey nodded her head. Gathering up the dirty plates from the table, the redhead offered a consoling smile to Andrew before retreating from the room. He was more than capable of handling the less than tolerable aspects of the grouchy ex-Atlantian.

The kitchen was modern and open, filled with every convenience that money could buy. Aubrey's favourite feature was however the skylight, one of the most understated features and yet it allowed all of the natural sunlight to flood the space. Closing her eyes, Aubrey relished the warmth as it danced across her skin.

"He's not what you expected is he?" Evelyn asked, entering the kitchen behind her.

Blinking a few times, Aubrey looked back towards the dining room before she finally shook her head. "No. I read so much about him and yet the reality is so disappointing. How can that man in there be the same man who inspired so many legends?" She whispered, waving a hand towards the door in exasperation.

"Sometimes reality cannot live up to reality child."

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "I know that. Yet I am depending on his legendary power to help me. I am only one woman, I cannot do this alone." Rubbing at her tired eyes, Aubrey let loose a sigh. "I appreciate you letting us stay here. He keeps dragging his feet and I have people depending on me to help them."

"Maybe you shouldn't depend on his help so much." The older woman stated as she carefully scraped the remnants of dinner into the bin.

Aubrey would have ignored the warning if it wasn't for her tone of voice. She had attempted nonchalance but there was something about her tone which put the Atlantian on alert. With her heart pounding within her chest, she asked, "What did you see?"

For a moment, silence hung between them. "It's more what I haven't seen."

Frowning, Aubrey took the plate from the other woman's hands and walking over to the sink. Switching on the taps, she filled the basin with hot sudsy water as her mind played the words over in her mind. What did that mean?

Fugitive (sequel to Becoming Atlantian)Where stories live. Discover now