Fugitive - Chapter 16

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Aubrey's shrill scream tore through the Atlantian air not even a second later. She staggered forward a step as an entirely different world settled in around her in a cloud of dust and dry air. Pressing her lips together, the sound cut off abruptly. Yet the fear and dread still lingered as the image of her injured friend was burned within her mind.  

Aubrey swallowed and fought against her roiling stomach. Worry would not help Andrew. Worry wouldn't help Tiberius either. 

Birds squawked feverishly overhead, her sudden appearance sending them into a frenzy. Undergrowth snagged at her ankles as she stepped away from the portal and fully into the world she was still getting to know.

Aubrey stole a glance behind her but other than a few half buried stones, there were no signs of her arrival – or of anyone following.

Facing forwards once more, she felt her stomach lurch uncomfortably. The forest was unfamiliar. The trees old and rich with life, their leafy canopies blocking out only thin slivers of sunlight. And they were a far cry from the habitat surrounding the Atlantian stronghold.

Aubrey paused and drew in a deep lungful of air as she surveyed the trees around her. Other than the usual sounds of nature, she couldn't sense any other intrusive presence. She was alone. The realisation brought relief and dread.

A loud squawk brought her back to the present. With a shake of her head, Aubrey adjusted the satchel slung over her shoulder and checked that the ancient and powerful resting against her hip was secure. And then, placing one foot in front of the other, she walked away from the portal that had returned her to Atlantis and her only safe means of escape.

The progress was slow. Branches snagged at her clothes. It was clear no one had walked these trails in months, perhaps even years. Yet, Aubrey couldn't allow herself the luxury of false safety. Instead, she took great care not to snap branches or leave foot prints in the patches of soft mud. Tiberius's life was in the balance. There could be no trail to let them know she had returned. Success would only happen if she could catch them by surprise. Aubrey was outnumbered but with Merlin's help, she now had access to great power. She could only hope it was enough. It had to be enough.

It felt like hours before the trees began to thin. Slowing her pace, she reached up to wipe the beads of sweat from her forehead. Her trek had been face from gruelling but there was something about the close set trees which captured the moisture and heat. It was uncomfortable and sticky. Aubrey was sure if she ever trekked to the Amazon rainforest it would be the same.

The trees overhead rustled as a strong gust of wind rushed through the canopy. A second later, a dark shape blotted out the small slithers of light. Aubrey ducked, her eyes watching the familiar movement sweeping above her.


Creeping towards the edge of the tree line, Aubrey made sure to keep her body behind a tree trunk as she peered out. The beast swept over head, the breeze blowing down the back of her neck, a welcome relief in the humidity.

The wings banked to the side as it turned, the light glinting off of the dark green scales of its snout as it swooped back towards her. Its eyes swept over the treeline – familiar eyes.

"Akan," Aubrey breathed, her eyes following the dragon's graceful movements as she slowly stepped out of the shelter.

Much like Jet was her dragon half, Akan was Tiberius's. She belonged to Tiberius as much as he belonged to her.

At the sound of her voice, those fierce eyes honed in on her before the dragon gave a throaty rumble. Aubrey felt a lump lodge in her throat to head that sound. A small part of her had assumed Tiberius's dragon had been killed when he had been captured. It had never felt so good to be so wrong.

Fugitive (sequel to Becoming Atlantian)Where stories live. Discover now