"Getting some food," Farlan answered, lifting his paws to show Levi the food. "Wait, this is your house?"

"Levi!" Eren's whine instantly grabbed Levi's attention. Eren ran into the kitchen, as fast as his pregnant belly would allow him, and stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of Isabel and Farlan.

"Oooh, a pregnant neko!" Isabel exclaimed, scrambling to her feet and ran toward Eren.

Levi's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates and tried to stop his adoptive sister. "Isabel, wait —"

Eren stiffened as Isabel neared him, eyes narrowing. The omega's brunet tail puffed up to twice its size, his ears flattening against his head. A very Levi-like hiss left the brunet's mouth as he swiped at Isabel, his free hand covering his belly protectively. Isabel stumbled back in surprise.

"Yeah ... Eren's six months pregnant so he's very protective of the kittens," Levi explained, pulling Isabel away from Eren, who instantly calmed down back to his innocent self.

"Hello, I'm Eren!" Eren piped up enthusiastically, as if he hadn't hissed at Isabel before. "Who're you?"

"Eren, this is Isabel and Farlan, my childhood friends," Levi introduced each of them. "Izzy and Farlan, this is Eren, my mate."

Farlan came up beside Levi and whispered in his ear, "does he have multiple personality disorder or something?"

Levi shot his best friend a glare, causing the other neko to step away from him in fear of Levi giving him one of his infamous hisses.

"So, why are there more nekos in the house than there originally was?" Eren asked, ears twitching with his curiosity. His tail begun wagging in a very dog-like manner.

Well you see Eren, Isabel and Farlan are alley cats who break into humans' houses and steal food and they coincidentally ended up in our house. Yeah right, like Levi would tell Eren that. Levi didn't exactly want to tell Eren about his past as an alley cat in the fear of Eren rejecting him. There was a big chance that Eren probably didn't even know what an alley cat was but Levi didn't want to take any chances.

So instead Levi settled on saying, "I invited them over." Isabel and Farlan gave him a confused and surprised look each.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?!" Eren exclaimed, his eyes big and twinkling and his tail wagging in a very dog-like manner. Eren grabbed Isabel and Farlan's paws and pulled them toward the lounge room. "I'll introduce you to Petra and All-o!"

"It's pronounced Olou," Levi sighed as he followed behind Eren. He knew Eren hadn't heard what he said.

When Erwin and Hanji arrived home from work later on in the afternoon they had reacted in different ways. Erwin had looked terrified when he saw that there were now six nekos in the house. If Levi wasn't a clean freak there would have been a mess from all the food they were eating. Erwin had never signed up for this when he bought Levi home a year ago. And Hanji had just fan girled over the 'new additions' to the house.

When Eren had asked Erwin for a pizza and chocolate Erwin had wanted to refuse because he already had dinner planned for that night. But one look at Levi's deadly glare and Erwin had been on his way to the pizza place.

Erwin did not want to deal with Levi's claws from hell.


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