The Girl

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This aren't the way all supposed to be. Jack still searches but then he found nothing. Merida wishes that she would like can sense of something within the dragon whisperer. The dragon whisperer was in a faraway village, really far from Jack's home. Jack is having hard time to know where the dragon whisperer lives because he don't know who he is. When they were walking....they saw dark clouds coming from them. "Darkness is very close...let's go"Jack said. Merida and Jack hid in the bush. 

When they were in the bush, they saw a very pretty girl, wearing a ribbon and blue dress, and sleeping. Jack and Merida slowly walk towards her. Suddenly....she woke up. "Huh?" the girl was looking scared. Jack looked at her eyes, and she saw, rainbow colors in her eyes, which he finds fantastic. "Hey, little girl"Jack said. The girl was looking at him, and looks happy. "Jack? Who is she?" Merida asked. "I don't know, but she has very magnificent eyes, look at it"Jack said. "Wow...Why is she like that?". "I'm scared....I..I...I wa...nt", the girl is talking with choppy voice. "What do you want?", Jack asked.

"The....s...n...ow..g..g...lobe"the girl said. "Snowglobe?"Merida said. "Hmm....We have snowglobe back in the Guardian's home...but it was given to Miss Potty, "Jack said. "The snowglobe......a magical one", the girl said. "Hmmm....what's your name girl?"Merida asked. ""she said. "Samantha hm...where is that snowglobe?"Jack asked. "It is up there at the hill, where it is scary and dark" she said pointing at the tower. "Ok...well, maybe we could get that for you"Jack said. "We are risking out lives for a snowglobe Jack? I'll say let's go now so that we could survive", Merida said.

"Look, it's just...maybe a snowglobe, but what if she can help us find the others? Look if we find that snowglobe if she didn't helped us...let's go, if she did then thank you,...Be chill Merida, she's not like a evil doll or something",Jack said. "Your chiller than me..."Merida said quietly. "What is that?"Jack asked. "Oh...nothing nothing"Merida giggles. "Let's go kid". Jack was carrying Samantha in her back. When Merida was looking at her, the kid smiled to Merida, the girl's eyes turned to black, Merida was confused but she was fine. "Let's go camp over here...just a little rest, in the sunset we continue"Jack said. Merida started a fire, suddenly, she saw a lute, "Hey look! A lute! Who wants to play?"Merida asked.

"Oh uh, Merida, no can play...I am not much of a music player",Jack said. Merida started to play a lute, her song sounds like Scotland Civil war, like Some Nights. Later, when the kid is asleep, Merida wakes Jack. "Jack?Jack?"Merida said. Jack cannot wake up, so he kicked him in the shoulders. "Aw..why did you do that?"Jack asked. "Can I ask you something about colors?"Merida asked."Pshh...sure..actually all have like, meaning ang feelings"Jack said. "What does it mean?"Merida asked. "Well, what color actually?"Jack asked. "Black". "Well, black, it's a really bad color to me, but it means that, no fear, then hiding something bad, I mean really bad, in my way....and the best example is the Boogeyman...why did you asked"Jack said. "Um..nothing Jack....I just wunted to knuw", she said. Merida got confused more than ever. "Hmmmm...why would she wunt a snowglobe anyway? I mean...she is talking to Jak Frost, maybe ask Santa to make I losing ma mind!? I don't know...maybe I just need to sleep more", Merida said and slept.

When they are starting to start again. Merida was having a closer look to the girl's eye. "Merida? Will you please stop that? You're scaring her"Jack said. "Oh, ok",Merida said angrily. When they are in the castle, Merida and Jack stopped. "Jack, I don't think this is a good idea"Merida said. "What? We're here now, and if you wanted to come back, who would bring you or fly you away from here?"Jack asked.

"Jack...look! She's evil...I don't trust her". "She's just a girl Merida! How can she be evil? Jack asked. "I don't know...but her eyes, it turned to black". "Look Merida, the colors I told's just a guess for me ok? It's normal for that kid to change the color of her eyes, because she have R-A-I-N-B-O-W eyes ok?"Jack said. "Jack..I...I know it's hard to beileve, but I have a feeling"Merida said. "You know? Ughh...Just stay here outside ok?"Jack said. "Wait! Jack! It's...The storm Jack!". "IT'S WEATHER OK? THAT"S NORMAL!"Jack shouted. When they saw the snowglobe, the girl slowly took the globe. "Ok uhhh...let's go"Jack asked. Samantha was starting to laugh. "Samantha?"Jack asked. "I can't believe I fooled you! hahahahaha! Can't you see? I am the princess of darkness! And this snowglobe? I will give this to the Boogeyman! To be his reflected city! So that he can control your city!"Samantha laugh louder.

"And now?....I'll destroy you". Merida heard a voice of a girl, so she angrily ran and took an arrow. "I knew it!"Merida said. "Oh Merida....are you surprised? You know? I have another surprise to you". Merida saw Jack in the dark cloud. "Let him go! You brat!"Merida said. "I'll let him go...if! You take the arrow down...and surrender to me...or you shoot me then...he dies"Samantha said. "Don't you dare touch him! You want to fight me right!? You're a coward and your spoiled!"Merida said. The kid screamed and said, "NOOOO!!!! Don't.....ARGHHHH!! Fine! But beware, I am stronger than you, and most of all? I am not a brat!"Samantha screamed and strike a thunder to Merida.

Merida was terribly afraid to her, but she said. " me please..."Merida said whispering. Again, a light came to Merida...and a glow in her arrow, so she took the arrow. "No! can't do that...I'm just a kid...let's settle this"Samantha said. "You know?....You're just a spoiled brat"Merida shot an arrow to her. Samantha was defeated and turned to tiny particles. Jack wakes up, and Merida gets him up. "Ow....what happened?"Jack asked. "You know? You need to be brave enough to see it"Merida said smiling. "Sorry...I almost forgot your quote, I'm really sorry for not believing in are really brave"Jack said. Jack and Merida continued their journey, Will they find the dragon whisperer now?


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