The Final Journey: Part 2

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Quasimodo gave them all a hot porridge and pieces of bread. "Thank you so much," Rapunzel said. "Sorry, that's all I have. I wish I could repay you of what you did," Quasimodo apologizes. "No, you don't need to. Giving us a place to stay for a while and a hot meal is enough. You don't know how grateful we are, so thank you," Jack pats his shoulder. Quasimodo sat beside him and he has this cheery look on his face. He was just so excited and very glad to see them, he never truly believe it. "Can ya tell me, how come almost all people know about our stories?" Merida asked.

"There was a town where I used to work, it's called Lownstone Village. I sell many kinds of breads and cheese. There was this time where I went to the center and I saw four warriors standing as a statue. I wondered of who they are, so I asked an old madam. She told me that in the past five hundred years, the town was burnt by a Black Dragon and wiped out almost everything, but some survived. The warriors came to hunt and kill the dragon and they succeeded. After that, they built a new town and gave it a new name, and that town was the one that I was working in. I got so obsessed with the tale so I read all about you, and I believed that you've died many years ago. I've told the story to some people especially the one who were new in town. After three years I've lost my job and now I'm here," Quasimodo narrates.

"Wow, that's a great story. Thank you," Jack said with a clap. "In the book, some said that the legend continued. Other said that they've seen them but only as a ghost or a shadow. Some said that they will soon come back to life to watch the people in this world without letting them know. And some believed that they are going to have their own reincarnation hence, maybe you," Quasimodo said.

"Wow, that's a little scary," Hiccup said while shivering. "So...which one was the truth?" Merida asked. Jack shakes his head. "I think they are all true," Jack said. "Are you telling me that the prophecy is real?" Quasimodo asked. "Yes, but not all of it. I believe that there's going to be a big change. I think that's just the story of the warriors, not the prophecy. Because I know...that together we can change our story and right the wrongs of everything," Jack said.

"Wow, I prefer you guys. You have more heart and strength," Quasimodo said. "Don't worry guys. I know everything's gonna turn out fine," Hiccup positively said. They all hugged each other as a sign of a strong team.

I was just lying down in bed, looking to the moon, shining with glimmering stars. I don't know if it was just me or is the moon getting closer to my face. It became shinier and I blocked my eyes with my hand. The Man in Moon is talking to me again, he was showing me a figure, I couldn't explain of what it is. But it seemed like a magic portal where my friends are getting sucked by it.

"This is how the world will end, it was all by darkness domain. If you chose the wrong path and turns, it will be pieces cleanse by one material,"----The Man in Moon.

The Man in Moon told me that, it was another riddle.

Jack woke up. He didn't know that he even fell asleep. Tomorrow, he decided to keep heading towards the darkness and finally put an end to this.

As the shine rose, the four packed up their things and said goodbye to Quasimodo. "Thank you very much for letting us stay," Rapunzel said. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep for another night?" Quasimodo asked. "Yes, we appreciate your help. We would be sleeping in the woods if it wasn't for you," Jack said. "Good luck to all of you, I hope that the light will still win in darkness," Quasimodo said. The Four said farewell and went far away from the small house.

"So, anything about our next destination?" Hiccup asked. "Yea, I think we're going straight to the mountain. Find a place to rest and follow one path," Jack said. As they went closer to the mountain, it was more foggy and dark. "You think this is it? I don't think we should land here, it's kinda steep," Hiccup said. Before they could even take a closer look, they saw a magic portal. It has rainbow colors but it was scary because it was trying to suck them. "Oh no! What's happening?" Merida shouted. "I think we're getting sucked in a magic portal what do you think!?" Hiccup said. "Not this again!" Rapunzel shouted. They all can't resist it, so they have been sucked by it. They all went down to a pile of trash and metal. "Aw! What the, what is this place?" Hiccup said as he removed the metal away from him.

"Oh gosh, this place looked horrible. Look, there's no buildings and stuffs," Rapunzel said in a pity voice. "Look, there are some fractures from a building, was this like bombed or something?" Merida asked. "I don't know, but we have to find our way out," Jack said. "Guys, there's something written here. It's like from a spray paint," Hiccup pointed his finger on something. They all went and follow Hiccup, there he saw a yellow handwriting of a spray paint.

"Wall-E?" Jack said as he reads it unsurely.

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