Chapter 57 - Newfound Power

Start from the beginning

What really shocked them were the scars. Countless scars could be seen on the child's otherwise fair skin. There where many that looked like the wound could have been life threatening, others were simple scratches. Still, they couldn't help but tremble at the sight of such an amount of wounds.

After all, Cheng Hao was only a child, yet he looked like he had gone through countless battles and fought countless ordeals... Which was true! Ever since he was reborn, he had been fighting nonstop and brought his body to break past its limits ever since he had awoken in this new body..

Cheng Hao tensed his muscles as he breathed in and then relaxed as he breathed out. His eyes grew determined as he eyed Greatsword and he targeted him first.

He kicked off the ground and appeared right in the middle of the Shadow Legion's members group, his fist was incredibly pressuring and it was moving at great speed towards the Shadow Legion's Greatsword at great speed. Suddenly, eight weapons flashed and closed in on the child's body.

Greatsword scoffed and dodged to the side, evading the blow. He then slashed with his weapon at the child in front of him 'Foolish boy... To actually lose your mind like this when you could win by tiring us down, you have simply signed your own doom!'

One after the other, seven more people attacked: this time, their blows were well coordinated and didn't show the slightest flaw, not even a god would be able to evade such a barrage of attacks!

The great blade was about to hit the child's body when, suddenly, Greatsword flinched and he jumped backwards. Veil also trembled and waved her sleeves, making the veil of black silk wrap around Greatsword's waist.

It was as if they could read each other's mind: Greatsword twisted in such a manner that the cloth could wrap around him faster and then smashed the blade against the ground, making him fly backwards. The duo's actions made it possible for Veil to swiftly bringing Greatsword away... From what?

Meanwhile, six weapons - a needle, a sword with three blades, a mace, a spear, a battle axe and a flail - all charged towards and pierced, slashed, slammed into the child's body.

Finally, Dagger slashed down his own two daggers towards Cheng Hao's neck, the blade whistled through the air and the short man finally smiled excitedly when he felt the edge of his weapon bite into the child's flesh.

Cheng Hao spat out blood and he fell on his knees, his body pierced by seven weapons, the red liquid spat out everywhere. Coughing out blood, the boy's eyes grew hazy and he fell on his face.

Everyone couldn't help but feel great happiness: it was no illusion, it was no afterimage what their weapons had just slashed in half, they had really finally, this time they had truly killed that troublesome brat!

As he laid on the ground, the boy slowly closed his two eyes and, finally, stopped breathing.

The seven people's excitement and happiness, though, lasted only for a moment. Because, right when they had lowered their guard and the boy on the ground looked like he had truly passed away... A pair of eyes full of killing intent opened, each of them glowing with bright light just like before.

Except this time, the golden glow was replaced with...

"Life, Death, Two opposites, two faces of a single coin!" Cheng Hao muttered as he quickly lifted himself up, startling his seven opponents "As white as the glow of life, as black as the darkness of death! Glory! Oblivion! the two Flames of war, the Flames Of Life and Death!"

Two eyes, one white one black, shined as brightly as the sun, white light that was enough to blind at the slightest glance, a darkness so black that it was not darkness anymore and could be described as nothing less than a black light.

Immortal Ascension Tower - Book 1: Reborn! [CH 1 - 75]Where stories live. Discover now