Chapter 4

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A/N: Another short one, sorry guys :P Hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

Chapter 4

I sat on the floor with my legs crossed and my back to Kirstie. We were in one of those little rooms with the curtain, I'd always wondered what was in the mother's rooms at the mall and now I knew. She had told me I had to come in with her cause she'd be too bored otherwise and now there was not a chance in hell I was turning around. Kirstie had said it was okay to look because it was totally natural and she wasn't embarrassed. She may not have been but I am tomato red! I do have boundaries, I was not about to watch her feed her baby like that.
    I did however want to hold the baby, and I've learnt that her name is Marcia Alice Maldonado. No Lewis because he bailed and that was just a dick move on his part, but this was probably not the best situation for 'I told you so's.' Anyway, that was just an assumption of mine, maybe he died, but I doubt it.
    I could hold Marcia later and I would be doing that eagerly.
     "So... Am I allowed to ask what happened?"
     "About what?"
     "Marcia's dad."
     "No, don't be. I actually don't mind telling you exactly, I just don't like talking about it."
     "Fair enough, it's fine, you don't have to tell me."
     "It's okay. Scott and Mitch know, so I might as well tell you too. How about you look at me though, that'd be a nice start," she laughs a little.
     "But you're..."
     "She's finished now, I'm all tucked away, you don't have to worry," she chuckles.
     I spin on my spot on the ground to see that they have in fact finished. Smiling I hold out my arms, hoping I'd get to hold the little girl in pink and green.
     With a grin Kirstie crouches down in front of me and tucks Marcia into my arms.
     "I'm glad I'm going to have you guys again," she whispers, playing with her hands. "I missed you and Kev, and Scott and Mitch, so much," she sighs. "Jeremy left me."
     I look up from Marcia to Kirstie.
     "I mean you knew I was single and that he wasn't in the picture but the full story is that he left me. And he did it at the perfect time too, he decided a month before she was born that he wanted out. So much for that almost four year relationship."
     I didn't know what to say, and she was tearing up and I wished we'd been there for her the whole time because then I would know what to say and wouldn't be looking at her like an idiot.
     "I'm sorry," I tell her quietly. "I'm sorry that he was such a jerk and that you didn't have better, you and Marcia deserve better and now you're gonna find it. I'm sure of that." I offer her a small smile and balance Marcia in my arm to wrap the other around Kirstie and let her sob into my shoulder.
     Yeah I'd missed her, a lot.

A/N: I swear it felt like they were so much longer when I was writing them :P Oh well,what do you guys think so far?


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