Twenty Eight

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I didn't realise I'd said I love him out loud until Patrick turns around and looks at me with wide eyes and his little pink lips open slightly "You mean as a friend?" "No, I mean I love you, as in I love you in the way I don't love Frank and you don't love Pete"

He's totally silent then he shakily puts a hand on top of one of mine that's sitting on his waist "Really" "Yeah, I always knew I did like you but yeah as we've been cuddling here I realised I love you and I wanna date you. I know it'll probably ruin our friendship but I wanted to tell you, you can react however you want now"

Patrick's quiet then just leans against me and let's me tighten my arms "I don't know what to say" "You don't have to say anything, I just wanna know if you want me to leave or not" "No I don't, I don't know how I feel though" "That's fine, I don't need anything right now, I don't need you to give me anything ever but I'll be here for you. You don't hate me so I'll stay and that's all that matters" "I don't know how to feel" "You don't have to, you have as much time as you need to figure out if you hate me for this or not" "I don't think I'll ever hate you" "Then I'll always be here for anything you could ever need" "Your basically saying you want me to mess with your emotions and use you for pleasure?" "If that's what you want from me then yeah" "I would never" "I love you Patrick, if that's the way you want me then it's what I'll take, I just want you"

I only realised I love the guy like a couple of minutes ago and maybe this is too much and I'm being ridiculous but I've never been in love so this is nice. I'd love it if he did like me back but I know he has no clue what to think. He might never love me the way I love him or never even like me again but that's ok, I'll deal with it.

"Gee I don't know what to do or say, can you just stay here with me?" "Always" "What should we do?" "What do you wanna do?" "I think there's a new Dan and Phil video" "Oh now your talking my language, I definitely like that idea"

We stay lying together on his bed and just watch a marathon of Dan and Phil which is really fun since they're my favourite YouTubers and its fun to have a friend to watch them with.

"Gee" "Mhm" "Can we sleep?" "Of course" "Do you wanna stay here or sleep with Frank or on the floor or what?" "Well I'd prefer here because you know how I feel and I like just being with someone and your warm but its your choice" "Can I stay with you?" "Its your bed so its your choice" "Stay with me" "Always"

He lets me get up and turn off the light then come back to cuddle against him "How are you?" "I'm ok" "Really?" "Yeah I guess I'm ok" "It's ok to not be ok" "I know but I think I've cried so much that I'm kinds numb now" "I'm sorry sweetheart" "I'm older then you" "Yeah but I just feel bad for you and I feel like I should protect you" "That'd be really nice"

Patrick trails off and just buries his face in my chest as he falls asleep and since he's so warm and sweet cuddled with me I fall asleep soon after.

The night goes fast and before long the suns shining through the curtains as I wake up grudgingly. Patricks gone and the shower in the bathrooms on so I just lie there for a while until he comes out with a towel around his waist. "Morning darling" "Hey Gee" "Do you want me to leave?" "Its ok" "Ok Patty".

He gets his boxers and a hoodie and turns away from me when he drops the towel but that just gives me a lovely view of his ass until he puts his boxers on and yanks the hoodie on after.

"Come on Gee lets get something to eat" "But then I have to move" "Too bad, come on" "Fine". I'm still in boxers so I just get up and put an arm around him as he leads me downstairs. I think Franks still asleep so I just let Patrick make some coffee and bring me a cup then sit on the couch as I play with the little hairs on the back of his neck.

"Stop it Gee that tickles" "I know" "Stop it" "Nah, its cute" "But its so tickly" " That's the point" "Boo you". He's so pretty just sitting there with his coffee so I take both cups and put them on the coffee table and lean in to cup his cheek.

"G-Gee what are you doing?" "Anything you want" "Oh um, I don't know" "Just tell me, is it ok to kiss you?" "Yes" "So you want me to kiss you?" "So badly" "Come here then angel".

Finally after wanting this all day yesterday, Patrick lets me lean in and connect our lips. Its nothing more then just a really good closed mouth kiss but I like it, he's a really good kisser so like always I love it.

When I pull back Patrick whines and throws his arms around my neck so I take that as permission to push him backwards on the couch. He laughs when I do so I put my arms around his waist as I lean in to kiss him again.

We're both out of breath when I pull back I just laugh and lean my head against his shoulder as we lie side by side on the couch. We're both reasonably small guys but the couch isn't very big so we're half on top of each other but its nice and we can just lie here. I hope he likes it as much as I do.

"Well looks like you two had fun" Frank says from the door where he's looking perfect as always in only boxers. "Yup this couch is wonderful to lie on and admire your ceiling" "I've never tried it" "Well your missing out Frankie dear" "You're such a slut" "That's mean, I'm innocent" "All the times I've banged you say otherwise" "Meanie" "That's me baby"

He goes off to make coffee so I breathe in the sweaty smell of Patrick cuddled against me and roll carefully onto my side and cup his cheek "You ok?" "Yeah" "You know I'm yours now right, I'm not Frankies today, all yours" "But you have school" "And I'll snapchat you and if your not sick of me I'll be here after school, I just have to go home and get clothes and talk to Mikey" "I want you here, I like the company" "I need help with work too and your smart so I'll be over like 4 or 5" "Ok, want me to drive you?" "That'd be awesome" "I have school too so we should go soon, I have courses so I might not answer you but I'll check my phone as much as I can" "It's ok I'll just talk to myself until you come back"

He runs upstairs to get some jeans and I just stretch out on the couch and watch Frank make coffee until he comes and kneels in front of me. "Morning Gerard" "Hey Frankie" "Is Patrick ok?" "Yeah overall he's pretty good" "If he's ok and you guys want it-" "Your doors open?" "Yup" "Maybe not Patrick, I certainly will come though" "Lunchtime?" "Definitely"

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