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Fuck this. Fuck this school and the teachers who can't teach and the students who like to talk shit because I'm gay and wear skirts, fuck them all.

This morning like always Oli made fun of me for wearing skinny jeans and a band shirt because I look 'emo' apparently and that's bad. Also because he says I'm being a wimp and loser for not wearing a skirt. Fucking hypocrite dick ass, I'd love to punch him in the face if he didn't usually have a whole gang behind him.

The morning goes by with the usual meaningless insults from people until it gets to fourth period and my math teacher annoys me so much I straight up leave. Just stand up and walk out without my bag or without saying anything, she doesn't even notice until the door slams shut behind me.

Usually I can cruise the halls for the rest of the period but this time my English teacher catches me and sends me to the principals office. Now I can get another detention and spend the rest of the time with Mr Jensons sickly coffee smell and his raspy voice and receding hairline. This is just what I wanted from today.

The door falls open easily when I get there so I walk in and collapse on one of the chairs by the desk "Sup sir I'm back did you miss me".

There's silence and when I look up there's a young looking guy with shoulder length brown hair, hazel eyes and tattooed knuckles looking back at me. Quickly I take my feet off the desk and look at him with interest. "Who are you?" "The principle" "What happened to oldie?" "He's my uncle and he's gone on holiday with his new wife" "New whore you mean" "Just because he found her on the street as a prostitute doesn't make her a whore" "Yes it does" "True but I'm not really supposed to talk shit about him"

This guy seems fucking cool so I slide onto the desk, pushing his pens and papers out of the way so he's looking straight at my ass which quiet honestly looks fabulous in these jeans. "What's your name?" "Mr Iero" "Mmm sexy, what's your first name?" "That's something you don't need to know" "Well saying Mr Iero is kinky and all but I thought we were gonna be friends" "No and you can get off the desk now" "I'm Gerard by the way" "Thanks I'll know who to give detention now" "What?" "You have detention after school, now get your ass off and sit in the goddamn chair, I'm short enough I don't need you to be any taller"

With a pout I jump up and flop in the chair across from him again "Mr Iero that's mean" "I know" "Don't be a dick" "You don't be a dick, you can have detention with me for the next week if you'd like" "What kind of detention?" "We'll see" "A dirty kinky detention?" "Not what I had in mind" "What did you have in mind sir?" "Line, lots and lots of lines so move your god fucking ass and go to class" "But I've been a naughty boy" "Which is why you have detention" "But-" "Shut up the bells gonna go"

As mean as he is, he's pretty cool so when the bell goes on schedule I stand up and give him a cheeky smile "See you after school" "It'll be a joy" "Bye Frank"

Giggling at his face when I use the name I saw on the plaque on his desk, I walk out to see if I can get away with ditching dance class. Gerard Way does a lot of things but Gerard Way does not dance.

To Hell With Decency (Frerard AU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now