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We had no money, no clothes and no knife. All of it was taken when we were taken in. But we made it work.

The first thing we did was talk to his sister and get another knife. Then we snuck into someones house and took their money and clothes along with their life. Getting back into this was easy.

We stopped really caring about who it was or when we needed to kill them. We just had a name and address and so we went there. Sometimes we did more people in their neighborhood.

It was fun and games after jail but months went by and it started getting boring. We either needed to stop all of this or make it more interesting. 

It wasn't until last week that I noticed Phil had been taking money from what we got and keeping in his backpack, balled up. I didn't say anything I just watched everyday as it grew with at least fifteen-tweny dollars every night. What he was saving it for I had no idea. 

Today we were staying in a hotel and Phil said he was going to go get us food so I took this time to go check it. But it was gone. 

"Dammit Phil" I mumbled and rubbed my head. He had about $1,500 saved. He better not be buying drugs. I let it go and organized the hotel room. I wasn't going to bring it up to him just see where it lead us. 

He came back with bags of food and no sign of the money, he didn't put it in his bag hell he went no where near his bag so he definitely used it. 

The next couple of days I watched him like a hawk and he knew it. He would lock himself in the bathroom and wasn't talking was much. I was so confused. 

He skipped over to me and bounced on the bed. 

"So Danny!" He grabbed my hand and smiled up at me. "What do you want to do tonight? There's a theme park about three miles away..." 

"Oh my god rollercoasters are terrifying." I laid back and played with his fingers. 

"Don't worry I'll be there" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes but agreed to go. 

As we got ready I noticed his hands were shaky and he was a bit pale... well paler than normal. Okay maybe he really was on drugs.

"You okay?" I softly touched his arm. He nodded a bit too quick for being honest. I tried to joke about it. "You nervous about the rides?" I chuckled. 

"Hm maybe" He smiled and entwined our fingers as we left the hotel room. 

We took a cab there because really three miles would take forever. But the cab only took about twenty minutes. 

The town was full of bright lights. Signs that were lit up by light, rides that were decorated with light and random fairy lights hanging above the little walk ways. There were tents with games, crazy rollercoasters and simple slow coasters. It smelt like popcorn and cotton candy. You can hear people laugh and talk. This was nice.

"Where to first, love." He whispered in my ear as the cab drove off leaving us here to have fun. 

"No idea" I chuckled. 

We ended up going to a couple of little rides and only one huge one as brave Philip was scared. We even won a teddy bear at a tent but we had no room for it so I fished the decent side out of me and gave it to a happy little girl. 

We ate dinner and started dancing to the music near the front of the park where it welcomed people. Phil twirled me around a couple of times and then we just flailed our limbs. 

"You know Phil.. You make me so happy." I leaned against him as we sat across the street just looking at the park, all the lights. 

"Happy enough to spend life with me?" He mumbled awkwardly. I snickered. 

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