Chapter 1: Prologue

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USFS Excalibur-class destroyer codename: DDG-95 Stormbringer.
Orbit of Exaltation, Exalted System.
January 15th, 2624 AD
0430 hours, Galactic Standard Time.

It's Monday, Janurary 15th; but it wasn't any other Monday.

Up here, almost 100,000 feet above the urban surface of Exaltation, the hardened tritanium hulls of the Tempest Carrier Stike Group prepared themselves. With the combined strength of hundreds of Martian built ships, each packed with enough firepower to level multiple cities, the Strike Group will jump to the Frontline fifteen times faster than the speed of light.

Which also meant that I might see combat for the first time. They shipped an entire batch of recruits into the 15th Brigade Combat Team's 25th Infantry Battalion of the 1st Infantry Division just for the sake of the Euphorian Campaign.

I have been waiting for this day to come. It's only been six months since my completion in Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. Today, I'm officially deployed and assigned to a unit that was part of one of the largest military force under the Counter Aggression Treaty Organization, the United Sol Forces. The USF was directly responsible for Earth's security and defense during the early stages of the Second Space Age 500 years ago. As it's name suggests, it represented the military force for the majority of the unified star systems, hence the name 'United Sol'. But ever since humans were granted more and more planets, Earth's defenses were spread thin, and so, C.A.T.O was born.

C.A.T.O consisted up to thirty military groups, with each falling under the direct command of Earth's unquestionable authority. These military forces often represented different regions in human space. Like the USF, for example, who were initially responsible for Earth's defense until the war began, or the Inter-colonial Defense Administration, where a large contingent guards the fragile orbital shipyards of the Woodside Cluster. Eventually, they've earned the nickname: Acronym Armies, due to the extensive use of acronyms.

However, despite the recent combined efforts of the alliance, a fundamental element in the defense line against the enemy was lost. The loss of Atlas Prime to the PRF was a major setback for CATO forces.

Now, the armies of the xenophobic and oppressive Rukhovian People's Federation (also known as the PRF) began flooding through the 'breach', or as the military would like to call it: The Gap. Euphoria was the first to be struck by the toxic grasp of the enemy. It was one of the sixty-plus colonies located near the Frontline and it's a strategic foothold for the CATO. The planet's administration has ran countless supply runs for the alliance. Many battles were won because of its endless logistical and military support.

But enlisting was kinda like a death wish. Life expectancy drops tremendously in the Frontline, especially when you're light infantry, facing the enemy up close and personal.

But I have made a promise. I have swore an oath to protect the Constitutional rights of the free peoples. A promise to avenge the dead and protect those who couldn't defend themselves against the PRF. To defy the Earth government is treason but to fight an all out war and commit genocide against its citizens is a war against freedom, justice and truth. This so-called Rukhovian People's Federation has been a torn on our side ever since the Secession War almost a century ago. They have swallowed up nearly one hundred and twenty colonies in less than 50 years while building an army three times the size of Earth's combined military force. After countless proxy tactics, provocations and open conflicts, war was declared almost five years ago.

They rose from the Secessionist War in the Bol system. First, they formed the violent ultra-nationalist faction known as the People's Liberation Militia. It's agenda was to extreminate the people Earth and build a better state, one that wasn't friendly to Earth's colonies. They then rebelled against the government. Orbital factories ceased production, shipyards were raided and entire cities were taken over. The PLM grew bold, so bold to the point where the government was overthrown and its leaders executed on live television.

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