chapter twenty-three

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  "Keep going!" Percy yelled, but my arms were shaking and my legs could barely hold me up. "You can't stop now!"

  Instead of listening to his encouraging advice, I let my harpe drop as I fell to my knees, a sword pointed to my throat. Nico's sword. We had been training for hours relentlessly, and considering Nico was the only one who could touch me, he trained with me. Naturally, the tension was thick and I wanted to strangle myself.

  "Get back up," Percy demanded, but I kept myself on the ground.

  "I can't," I muttered, staring at the ground. I felt stupid and worthless and weak. How could I ever stand against Atë if I couldn't even stand against Nico?

  "You think a monster is going to care? Get back up, or else you die," Nico said harshly, and I felt anger bubble in my blood. This was Percy and I's training session; Nico was just intruding. I swiftly grabbed the harpe and knocked Nico's blade away from my neck. His grip was tight, though, and he managed to hold onto it. I stood, albeit wobbly, and I found myself glaring into Nico's black eyes. "How long is this going to continue?" Nico asked softly, his eyes portraying his hurt.

  "Until I've decided you're sorry enough," I responded, black smoke slithering up my legs.

  "Alright, that's enough," Percy called, trying to break up the tension. Nico thoroughly ignored him and took a slice at my arm, but I blocked it. The contact sent vibrations up my harpe and into my hand, causing me to drop the weapon.

  "You stand no chance against me, and you stand no chance against Atë," Nico murmured with a glare, before it softened. "Forgive me so we can get passed this and I can go back to helping you again."

  "No, you don't stand a chance against me," I replied, my upper lip twitching as black smoke sharpened into knives and pointed themselves at Nico's throat. "Remind me again who's more powerful."

  "You're darkside again," Nico whispered, his eyes wide with fear as he inched away from the knives. "Your eyes go black when you do."

"Calum..." Percy trailed off, before cold water drenched me from head to toe. I felt a shiver rack through my body, sending me to my knees. Black shoes came into my view. Nico squatted in front of me, his eyes kind and welcoming, a hand extended towards me. I took it and rose to my feet, feeling a wave of calmness overtake me.

"I'm sorry," I instantly said, my head spinning. "I don't feel it hit anymore."

Nico began to speak, but I was distracted by something moving in the corner of my eye. It was the tip of an arrowhead, the bowman hidden excellently behind a dummy. It was hard to tell where they were pointing, but it would either hit Percy or Nico.

Suddenly I realized who it was.

The arrow was aimed for Nico.

I instantly tackled him to the ground just as I heard the arrow leave the bow. It barely missed my head and notched its way into the wall. My blood boiled, and I instantly conjured smoke to surround the person, successfully capturing them.

I looked to Nico, who's eyes were trained on mine, wide and distant. I got off of him and grabbed the harpe, making my way to where the bowman was captured.

Sure enough, it was Veda. When her eyes met mine, a cornered look overcame her.

"Calum..." she trailed off, sadistic and sick. I felt the darkness in her, a darkness I had only felt around Atë, force it's way into my bloodstream. I could choke on it, yet it was only just a feeling. Just a feeling. Block it out. "Join us, Cal..."

  "Don't call me that," I snapped as a scowl settled onto her face.

  "Right. Only the son of Hades can call you that," she retorted, sending a glare to Nico. I looked at him, noticing his harsh glare and sword readied. Percy's stance was about the same, except he seemed more calm about the situation. How many traitors had he faced? "Easy, boy," she taunted, snapping at him like a dog.

  "Don't talk to him like that," I demanded, but she tched and rolled her eyes.

  "I'll never understand what you see in him, Calum. Join us, join me. Atë will give you indescribable power. Power than can not be overthrown," Veda said, a sadistic smile growing on her face. She was too far gone, I realized. Atë's influence had destroyed her sane mind. That is what's going to happen to me.

"I don't want power," I argued. "I want her to leave me alone."

  "Shame. Maybe I can change your mind," she taunted, notching an arrow in her bow and pointing it at me. "Can't kill you..." she trailed off, slowly moving the arrow to point at Percy's chest. "Maybe him?"

  "Keep Percy out of this," I demanded, watching a smirk settle onto your face.

  "Another weakness for you, hm? Why's that? I thought Nico was the only one you were head over heels for," Veda called, her eyes glowing maliciously. She loved hurting me and seeing me in pain. I'd never seen her like this, then again, she was acting the whole time she was around me. I get to see her true colors now.

  "Drop the bow," I said calmly, watching as she grinned and slowly, tantalizingly moved the arrow to point at Nico. "You won't do it," I commented, staring into her eyes. "There's too much at stake. Kill him, and I never join Atë. You've already screwed up once, Veda. Don't want it to happen again, do we?"

  "You-" Nico started, glaring at Veda, but I put my hand up to stop him.

  "This is my battle," I told him softly, picking up the harpe. Perseus' harpe. The blade in my hand once belonged to a hero. If he could overcome the darkness, I would as well.

  "You don't scare me, son of Thanatos," she sneered, pulling the string of the bow to her lip, the arrow pointed right at Nico's chest. He wouldn't be able to escape it fast enough, no matter how hard he tried. Veda had him in perfect position; no where to shield himself, no where to hide. "I'll kill Nico and Percy if it means I can turn you in."

  "Try," I taunted. Her upper lip twitched.

  And she released the arrow from the bow.

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