chapter twenty-eight

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Veda and Alice screaming is all I heard as the smoke dropped. One hit the ground beside Veda's head, the others falling in various places dangerously close to her. She looked around at the smoke until I made it disintegrate into the ground. Her eyes were wide and I could feel the fear radiating from her as she scrambled up. She prepared to run, but Percy grabbed one of her shoulders while Jason grabbed the other, both of their swords out and ready. I found it reassuring that Jason didn't know what Veda had put me through, but was still willing to help.

"Holy Zeus, Cal," Nico panted, seeming out of breath. "I thought you were going to kill her."

"Believe it or not, I'm a decent person," I snapped, glaring at Veda. Nico looked to her, before glancing at me with a look that said, 'Tell me later.'

"How did you- the smoke, it- knives? I...what the?" Alice asked, before successfully passing out and falling to the ground.

"Weak," Veda spit.

"You have no room to talk," I snarled, watching as Chiron trotted over, Connor Stoll trailing behind him.

"We sent Connor to get him as soon as you left," Nico informed me. "I had a bad feeling something was going to go down."

"Oh my gods, Alice!" Connor cried, running over to her. "Is she okay?"

"Uh...I think?" I asked. "She kinda just passed out."

"She's not dead," Nico said reassuringly, giving Connor a tight smile. "She's brave for someone who's never seen battle."

"What's going on?" Chiron inquired, glancing over to Veda. "Are you ever going to tell me how you escaped death?"

"Made a deal with Hermes," Veda said shortly. "I got to live so long as I protected this one until he came to camp," she informed, nodding her head towards me.

"Chiron, Veda is affiliated with the evil goddess Atë and her army. She has threatened Nico's life many times and earlier tried to convince Alice to either kill me or Nico, or join Atë," I told him, feeling Nico grab my hand and lace our fingers together, his grip tight.

"I, Chiron, hereby officially banish Veda Belladonna, daughter of Hecate, from the safe grounds of Camp Half-Blood for eternity," Chiron chanted and Veda disappeared in a puff of smoke. I exhaled and turned to Nico, pressing my forehead against his shoulder.

  "She's gone," I breathed, squeezing his hand. He squeezed back reassuringly and turned to Chiron.

  "Thank you," Nico said, before turning to Percy and Jason. "And thanks to you guys for helping out. Even if you didn't understand what was going on."

  "I trust you guys. If you say someone's bad, I'll believe you." He flipped his sword and it turned to a gold coin which landed in his palm. 

  "This is all so touchy feely, and I appreaciate it, I'm a soft guy, but I'm going to take Alice to the infirmary," Connor interrupted our so called "touchy feely" moment and scooped up Alice, before walking away.

  "So my best guess is that you can control the smoke now?" Jason asked, a smile on his face. I nodded, causing his smile to widen. "Good. I'm proud of you, kiddo. Even if I was solidly convinced you were about to kill someone."

  "I wasn't going to kill her, why does everyone think that?"

  Nico and Percy both gave me a look and I frowned, crossing my arms as I turned my gaze to the ground.

  "She shouldn't be coming back," Chiron assured me. "Though I am surprised Hermes let her cheat death."

  "And why he chose me for her to protect. He blessed me as well," I responded, my eyebrows furrowing. 

  "He's the one who guides their souls to the Underworld, right? Maybe there was communication or a favor on Letus' end," Jason suggested. I tilted my head to the side.

  "Lettuce? Like the vegetable?" I inquired.

  "Letus is the Roman equivalent of Thanatos," Percy cleared up, flicking Jason's forehead. "You're in a Greek camp, stop speaking Latin."

  "How about I do it anyway?" Jason retorted, poking Percy, who jumped and rubbed his shoulder.

  "It's on," Percy snapped, glaring at Jason, before turning to Chiron. "I can talk to Connor, see if he can get any information about the whole Hermes and Thanatos ordeal-"

  "Mercury and Letus?"

  "No one cares about your Latin vegetables and elements."

  "Or planets," Nico commented.

  "Or planets. Thank you, Nico."


"That was..." Nico trailed off, running his fingers through his hair. "That was too much."

"Nico, its fine. She's gone, there's nothing to worry about," I tried to assure him, standing in front of him. He refused to look at me though, so I softly cradled his cheek and turned his face so that our eyes met. "She's not coming back-"

"It's not that," he murmured, pulling away from me. My stomach dropped and I felt myself frown as he paced. "It's just..."

"Just what?" I asked, watching as he hesitated, opening his mouth and closing it again several times.

"I don't know if I should feel reassured or terrified," he muttered, sitting on his bed. I sat next to him but kept a little bit of space between us. He scooted over to make up for the distance. "Cal, it was..."

I frowned and nodded, letting him know he could continue. He reached a hand out and brushed my cheek with his fingertips, before drawing back, a deep frown on his face. He looked worried and terrified yet serene all at once.

"When...when I thought you were going to kill Veda, when you had the smoke above her, when I thought you were dark side...I saw your eyes. They weren't black, they were green and green and brown, nothing was wrong with them. Calum, that power...that darkness, that murderous look, that wasn't Atë or Veda or any sort of darkness...that was you."

  (A/N: I'm finishing this book tonight as a Christmas present to you guys! Merry Christmas it's been an absolute blast I love you guys so much.)

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