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Guess what? I've been tagged by Muffinsareamazing . See this?

I cri every tem

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I cri every tem. (Not really, doing tags are kinda fun....)

All I have to do is say some facts about myself...

1) This might a little disturbing to some viewers.

Since I was little, I've had this habit to peel skin off of my fingers, and hopes it bleeds. I don't know.....

I still have this habit...

2) I can finish a 30-40 question math work (class work, homework, quiz) in 20 minutes. I love math.

3) If I have an essay to write, and it's about something I want to write, I can finish the rough draft in 1-3 hours. The final draft is easier cuz you just have to rewrite it after the teacher corrects it.

4) Most of the requests I have, I finished the sketches. 

5) I can't draw animals to save my life.

6) Every time I draw sin, I'm proud of it. Then later when I look at it, I feel my sins crawling up my back, then I get rid of the drawing.... Heh...

7) When I draw Sans, some little kids thought I drew an alien.

8) I'm a very shy artist. I hate drawing at school and people just watch me. I hide my drawings when people come close to me. Especially when I draw UnderTale. I get non stop questions on what the hell I am drawing. It's kinda sad.

9) I only found about UnderTale by my younger brother. He never got into the UnderTale fandom, while I found the UnderTake fandom and became obsessed. He's also not into as much UnderTale anymore... ;-;

10) My first UnderTale video I've ever watched (and this was before I didn't know much about it) was the Soup Store, with Sans and Papyrus.... I regret nothing.

11) My first UnderTale drawing is Sans and the very the very first hand I've ever drawn. (If you want to see, I'll post it in the next chapter of this book.)

12) I love singing!!!!

13) Im drawing a smol Sans.

Yea, if your reading this.

You are tagged. It's just 13 facts about yourself.

I don't really care if you do the tag or not. But it would be nice if you did.

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