Chapter 1

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I groan as I rub my tired eyes. I looked around my empty room, boxes are displayed in various places. I lay back down, placing my pillow over my head.

"Sabriya." My mom yelled. "Get up, it's time for school, honey." Why? I get up and pick out random things from my box. I take a shower and get dressed in my outfit.

 I take a shower and get dressed in my outfit

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Somehow they both go together. I brush my teeth, throw on makeup, and run downstairs for breakfast. "Honey, I know things have been tough on you but I wanted to say thank you. You have made this transition easier for me. I love you." I hugged her.

"You're getting me emotional, you know I have to get to school." She chuckled.

"All right then, off to school." She grabbed her keys and we got into the car. "Honey, you will be in Year 11 but in America, they call it 10th grade." I nodded my head tuning out the rest of her bantering. She tries so hard to make my transfer much easier on me. "Here we are." My eyes grew larger as I saw the size of the school.


"Have a wonderful day, Bri." As I shut the door my mom yelled. "Your friends attend this school. Seb and Jayden, Marina's sons." My heart fluttered at the mention of his name. Sebastian. We became such close friends during the summer but we never knew if we would see each other again so we just stayed friends. Maybe this is my chance. I smiled at my mother one last time before shutting it. There were kids separated by cliques, is that how you say it? Well, I wonder how I fit into one of these cliques. I finally see the main office door and began to pick up the pace. A strong force bumps into me, I scoff and look beside me. The mean girls? I open the door and walk to the front desk. Patiently, I wait.

"Thank you for waiting sweetie. What is your name?"

"Sabriya Montenegro." I noticed the flustered look on her face. My accent and my name both cause difficulties for others. "S-a-b-r-i-y-a. M-o-n-t-e-n-e-g-r-o."

"Thank you again." I smiled and nodded my head. She placed my schedule and other school stuff in my hands.

"Thank you, Madam,"

"Miss Bee. You can call me Miss Bee."

"Thank you for all the help Miss Bee."

"My pleasure." I turned and immediately heard her voice ring through my ears. "If you need any more help, ever, you can always come to me." I nodded my head and continued walking out. I hope everyone is this helpful.

"Excus-...Hel-....never mind." I groaned in frustration. I looked over my schedule trying to find my class when somebody bumped into me. "Sorry." We both spoke at the same time. I heard a voice that I've heard 1,000 times in my head. "Seb!" I gave him a cheeky grin.

"Briya!" He pulled me into a hug, placing his head in the crook of my neck. "I missed you."

"Me too." I finally pulled away from him. After taking a few breaths, I asked him a question. "Can you help me? No one else seems to care." Sebastian let out a chuckle.

"That's kind of the motto around here. You have to look out for yourself." I gulped. I've always been a nice kid until I met Seb, but I can't stand up for myself. Not yet anyway. "Lemme see your schedule." He looked my schedule over. "We have lockers next to each other, but not every class. Only 2 but the good news is one of my friends is in all of your classes and you're going to like him. His name is Noah." I zoned out because Seb has gotten more fit than the last time I saw him. It was only three months ago. An agonizing screech took me out of my thoughts.

"BAE!" Some girl ran over to where we were at.

"What is a bae?"

"What are you?" That slapper snarkily replied, I mean look at what she's wearing.

"What are you?" That slapper snarkily replied, I mean look at what she's wearing

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"She is gorgeous, unlike you." A tall cute boy replied.

"You gonna let him talk to me like that baby?" She says while still glaring at me. I just walked away, trying to find my locker before school starts. I feel someone touch my arm. It was the tall boy that defended me earlier.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that. I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Noah."

"I'm Sabriya."


"What? Is there something on my face."

"No. It's just that your accent and your beauty fit exactly into a unique name like yours." I felt my cheeks warm. "How do you and Sebastian know each other?"

"We met in London a few months ago. Do you remember this photo?" I showed him the picture.

 Do you remember this photo?" I showed him the picture

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"I took this in front of my old house." A smile grew on my face as my mind scrolled through my old memories.

"Did something happen?" I really hated the idea of this actually being true. Years ago, my father was my best friend. We did everything together but then something changed. He never treated me as his daughter. Whenever my mom wasn't around, I meant nothing to him. My mom finally saw who he truly was and decided it was best for her and me to leave. I don't believe that that was the only thing bothering her.

"My mother and father separated not too long ago. My mom is friends with Jayden and Sebs' mom. I think she needed someone other than me to help her find her true self." Noah nodded.

"I went through the same thing a long time ago. But my parent's relationship is so bad that they don't even speak. I haven't seen my little sister in 12 years." His voice cracked. I wrapped my arms around his torso as he pulled me onto him. "I miss her so much. She was my best friend. She was 2 when I saw her last. I was only three." The bell ring and Noah pulled away. "Thanks. I really needed that." Noah sheepishly grinned at me.

"I understand. My closest friend back home did that and it helped me calm down."

"What's her name?"

"Her name is- "

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