Chapter 6: City Of The Stars

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*Tippy and friends made their way across the Velvet Plains...*

Owl: Zzz... Hoo? Hoo-whooo are yoooou? If you're going to Lunavale, you're almost there, but you won't find many of its residents out during the day. Now, if you'll excuuuuuse me.... Zzz...

*The group finds themselves in a strange canyon...*

Demi: Um, is this the right way? I think we might be lost.

Tippy: !!!

Lo: Hey, what's up?

Tippy: T-those images on the wall... They look scarily familiar...

Demi: Really? I've never seen them before.

Lo: No, she's right! They look familiar. But... I don't remember where I saw them...

*Further in the canyon...*

???: Gwooooh...

Tippy: Eeek! T-that sound!

Demi: What was that?!

Lo: T-Tippy! I think I know where we've seen that face now!



Lo: But we beat up Bandona!

???: Gwoooh! You're the ones who beat up my son?! GWOOOOH!! This is Bandona Pass! Nosey little cats like you shouldn't be here! Normally I'd just rough you up a bit, but since you beay up my son I'm gonna flatten you then have you for DESSERT!!

(Battle: Bandonata)

*After defeating Bandonata, the group arrived in Lunavale...*

Tippy: Doesn't look like anyone's around.

Demi: Let's see, I think that owl said that most people here are nocturnal...

Lo: What are we gonna do? It's the middle of the afternoon!

Tippy: Well, we just get comfortable and wait for night.

*After some time, night has fallen, and the group is fast asleep...*

???: Excuse me... Are you okay?

Tippy: Ahh!

???: Hey. I can see you're not from around here. Welcome to Lunavale. Name's Fretson.

Demi: We're looking for a Gem Shard. Have you seen anything like that?

Fretson: Gem Stars? Gem Shards? Never heard of it. But... There's a place near here that's real close to the stars. We call it... The Tower To The Stars.

Tippy: Hey, I think I know that place! My parents told me all about it!

Demi: Do you know where it is?

Tippy: I sure do! Let's go there now!

Fretson: Good luck finding your star. I'll just be here. Hanging out in the dark. If ya need me.

*At the top of the Tower...*

Tippy: Here we are. The Tower To The Stars. Mom told me the door will only open for a Star Hero.

Lo: Wow, it's really lucky that we're all Star Heroes, isn't it?

Tippy & Demi: ...

Tippy: Come on, Demi. Let's concentrate so we can open the door.

*Tippy and Demi take their places... But, nothing happens...*

Demi: ...Something's wrong. The door isn't opening.

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