Chapter 1: Lake Village

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*One day Kuma and Tippy were happily skipping about in Tippy's yard... When suddenly Starla swooped in and carried the Kylin girl off...*

Kuma: Eeek! Tippy! Save me!

Tippy: Hang on, Kuma! I'll get you back!

*And so Tippy made her way to Starla's Tower...*

(Battle: Grizzly x4)

*Tippy climbed to the top and found where Starla was keeping Kuma...*

(Battle: Starla, Star Dish)

Kuma: You can take her, Tippy!

Starla: Tippy! Your last hour strikes now!

Starla: W-what?! What did you do?! U-uh-oh! We're going down, Star Dish! AAAAAUGH! Not so fast, Tippy!

*Starla cracked Tippy's Star Dish with a fireball...*

Kuma: Hold on, Tippy! You've got to hold on!

Tippy: Kuma! I'll catch you! Just...

Starla: Enough! This ends NOW!

*Another fireball... Tippy's Star Dish fell too...*

Starla: What, you want me to just hand her over? Not likely! When we hit the ground... You'll be sent back to the stars!

Tippy: Not a chance, Starla! Say hello to Jorunna for me!

*Tippy flew away...*

Starla: Gah! Wings?! That's not fair!

*Starla's Star Dish fell, but Tippy caught Kuma, and landed safely on the tower...*

Kuma: Tippy! You saved me! Thank you! I-

*The tower started shaking...*

Kuma: EEEK! Tippy! We're...

*A star fell from the sky and struck Starla's Tower, turning into a statue...*


*Tippy, Starla, and Kuma were scattered... Tippy was thrown back to her house, but Starla and Kuma's whereabouts are unknown...*

Rotor: T-Tippy! Tippy, wake up!

Tippy: Ahh.. K-Kuma... Kuma! Where is Kuma?!

Rotor: I don't know. Did Anjo come by to take her home yet? Let's go see if he's here.

Rotor: Hi, Anjo. You here for Kuma?

Anjo: Yes, isn't she here with you?

Tippy: O-oh my! Oh my Garaden!

Anjo: What? What wrong?

Tippy: Well, you see... Kuma was... And Starla... So then we... But then... And that's that.

Anjo: W-what?! Starla has Kuma again?! Oh no, not again!

Tippy: No worries, Anjo! I know where they are. I'll just go get her back, like always!

Rotor: Oh, would you, Tippy? If anyone can get Kuma back, it's you.

Tippy: Right, I'll be back with Kuma soon, everyone!

*Tippy made her way to Starla's Tower... But, when she got there...*

???: WHO DARES SET FOOT IN THIS PLACE? Who are you? What business do you have here? This tower now belongs to the great empire of Aziro! From this small tower he shall build his empire across the world! And if it wasn't for you snooty little magicals, the world would already be ours! Now BEGONE!

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