Chapter 3: Kylin Valley

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*The group returned to Tyra's house...*

Tyra: ! Danny! Look, I told you! There's the star girl!

Daniel: Tyra, do you really expect me to believe that a star turned into... !! G-girl! A white-haired girl in a blue dress!

Demi: ...This is who was keeping me in that jar?

Tippy: I hope you're not angry with her, are you, Demi?

Demi: She's just a little girl. She didn't know any better, did she?

Tyra: My name's Tyra! Nice to meet you, Star Girl!

Demi: I'm Demicallius. But you can call me Demi. It's nice to meet you, Tyra.

Tyra: Demi! Live with me, forever!

Demi: I'm sorry, Tyra. But now that I've taken shape, I have to go live my own life. Not to mention, the world is in danger right now...

Tyra: W-what?! You mean, you can't live with me?

Demi: I'm afraid not. But don't worry, I'll come visit you sometimes, okay?

Tyra: ...Hey, Demi? Before you go, take this with you.

(Got the Windy Band!)

Demi: Thank you, Tyra! I'll let you know as soon as I'm back, okay?

Tyra: Go go! Save the world for me, Demi!

Daniel: Thank you for playing with Tyra today, Tippy. That girl can be a handful sometimes, but she's got a good heart.

Tippy: I'll be back to play again sometime, Tyra!

*When the group arrived in the Kylin village...*

Tippy: ! Uh-oh!

Demi: What? What is it?

Tippy: Trouble! Quick, hide!

*The group hid themselves... Starla and several Grizzlies walked by...*

Starla: Ugh... G-Grizzlies! Status report.

Grizzly: Well, ma'am... It's wet, half the troops have run off, and those of us that are left have come down with something...

(ACK! Cough cough...)

Grizzbomber: Not to mention, we're way outnumbered! Tippy is just one cat, but these guys are too much!

Starla: *sniff* S-stop complaining! I'll get us through this, just like I always do! Now, we just have to make sure Tippy doesn't get word that I got thrown out of my own tower... Grizz-*cough cough* ...Grizzlies! Move out!

*Starla and her troops marched off, looking to be in bad shape...*

*Tippy made her way into the valley, it was rainier than usual...*

Green Kylin: Oh, oh my goodness! It's been raining for days with no end in sight! We'll all drown!

Purple Kylin: Now Jack, calm down. Maybe this Magicat and her friends can help us.

Jack: Oh, thank goodness! Please, help us! There's a flood, and rain, and... And...

Purple Kylin: Let me explain, dear. My name is Mary, and this is Jack. As you can see, it's been raining here nonstop ever since this Gem fell out of the sky. Rain without end, and if this keeps up... Not only we will drown, but so will the rest of the island!

Tippy: Endless rain caused by a Gem? Impossible. Unless...

Demi: Tippy! The Gem Shard must be here in the valley. We've got to go and get it!

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