Chapter One- New Home.

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I know I said ten votes but I really wanted to update! (: (:


-Harry's Pov-

I picked Liam up off of Louis' lap since we didn't have a booster seat yet it was only a couple minutes he would be fine.

"You want to see your new house buddy?" I asked as Louis' was struggling with the suitcases in his arms.

"I gwess." Liam whispered not meeting my eyes.

"Well come on then!" I yelled playfully ticking his sides.

"Stwop." He muttered I sighed, and carried him into the house.

"You hungry babe?" I asked rubbing his back soothingly.

"No get you're hands off me." He mumbled a tear tricking down his cheek slowly.

"Why are you crying babe?" I asked crouching down in front of him.

"Awe you going to hit me like my old daddy?" Liam asked a few more fat tears racing down his chubby cheeks.

"Oh no babe! We would never lay a hand on you I promise." I promised squeezing Liam's tiny hand.


"She can't be dead." Geoff gasped tears running down his cheeks as he cradled a six month old Liam, to his chest.

"I'm sorry Sir, there's nothing more we could do." The doctor apologized taking his gloves off throwing them in the waste bin across the room.

"You should get some sleep." The doctor suggested placing a hand on his broad shoulder. Geoff ignored him and rushed out with a crying Liam in his arms.

Through the night he couldn't get Liam to stop crying, he had changed his nappy, fed him a bottle, sang to him, just nothing seemed to be working.

Only Karen could put him to sleep.

But Karen wasn't there.

As soon as Geoff realized Karen was gone and never coming back, he sobbed loudly into his hands trying to ignore his sons' cries from across the room.

"SHUT UP" He screamed frustrated with the small child. Liam was startled, so he just cried louder obviously wanting his mum.

"Shut up!" Geoff growled throwing a stuffed animal at his face.

Geoff didn't abuse Liam until he turned one, then it got worse.

"Shut the fuck up!" Geoff screamed slapping his sons leg harshly.

"Dada stwop!" Liam yelled tears running down his cheeks.

"Shut up!" Geoff screamed slapping his other leg.

About a year later, it got worse Liam's screams got worse the cries and pleads for help soon the neighbors heard and called 999 telling them to get there quick.

Liam was put into foster care, then a month after he turned two he was put into a orphanage and that's where he stayed until his new daddies came..


"Thanks for all the help Harry!" Louis' shouted sarcastically his smile instantly dropping when he seen Liam sobbing into my chest..

"What's going on?" Louis' mouthed to me. "He's just a bit scared and upset." I said after he calmed down a bit.

"Oh baby.." Louis' breathed out snatching Liam from my arms rocking him slowly.

"You want a nice warm bath hmm? Would that sound good?" Louis' asked running his fingers through Liam's shaved head.

Liam nodded and hid his head into Louis' chest.

"Put in a film or something, I'll be down in a bit." Louis' said walking up the stairs with Liam...

-Louis' Pov-

I got a towel and Liam's pajamas from his suitcase running Luke warm water, "Arms up love." I smiled gently, he lifted his arms and I pulled his old white shirt off I gasped as I saw the bruises down his back...

"Whas wong?" Liam asked his head tilted to the side a bit.

"Nothing buddy," I said helping him out of his trousers.

I sat him In the bathtub washing his hair and washing his body, drying him off then putting him in a pair of power rangers pajamas.

"You like power rangers hmm?" I asked him trying to start a conversation.

"Yes! They're the bestest!" Liam exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.

"That they are." I smiled.

(Quick authors note: I know this chapter is totally rubbish. I'm really tired. I've had a horrible day. I hope you understand! (: Zayn and Niall are coming in soon! <3

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