Heart in a Jar

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"How do you spell your last name?"


"Taylar, I am aware that one of your very first training session you had an accident?"

"Hahaha yeah, only if you call dying an accident."

"I'm sorry but I have to ask. How can you be so happy talking about this subject?"

"I died and came back to life. Do you understand what that means?"

"That you died?"

"No. I'M. A. ZOMBIE!!!!! I love zombies!"


"Zombies are amazing but just a word of warning.....don't eat chicken nuggets, that's how you turn."

"I'll keep that in mind. Can you please tell me about what happened when you woke up from your unconscious state?"

"I woke up."


"Hehehe I'm just kidding. I woke up and everything was still spinning and my head still hurt like hell. As far as I know I woke up two weeks after that day. Adri was there with Sarah. Sitting on the bed next to me."


I heard the familiar footsteps of Selina's high-heels come toward me. Leaning over me.

"Taylar, I can't believe you're actually awake."

She ran her thumb over my forehead a couple of times.

"What happened? The last thing I remember was....."

There was burning in my chest and my head was pounding, I couldn't think straight.

"The doll....I ran to catch the doll and then....all I remember seeing was red......and then black.....then white.....and a....a voice.....singing."

"Shhh. Calm down. Someone will fill you in on all that has happened in your....unconscious state. Let me just look for some painkillers."

As Sarah went looking through various around the room. Adriana came over to my bed. She was smiling but her aura showed a different story.

"Don't apologize. Don't feel sorry. Don't you dare think me dying was your fault."
"Adri. You've given me the greatest wish of all time. I'm undead, a zombie. If anything you've made my not-life better.

I smiled at her and she chuckled sightly.

"I'm alive and dead. Do you know what that means?"
"Your a zombie?"
"Yes but I can never die again. So don't worry about me dying ever again."
"I don't think that's ho-"
"I found the pills!"

Sarah rushed over with a bottle of pills and a cup of water. She shook a pill out into my hand and handed me the water. I swallowed the pill and the water.

"Now Adriana. Could you please take Taylar to the common room just so Taylar can have a little walk around?"

I lifted myself up and sat with my legs dangling off the edge. I noticed I was still wearing my jeans and jacket that I had on when the accident happened. There was dried blood all over them.

"Oh yeah, you might want to get changed as well. Sorry about that."
"This is came out of me."

It was scary the amount of blood there was. However it's still fairly fuckin cool how this all turned out.

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