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Papyrus's POV

"Papyrus where are we going?" "To the woods." "Why would Sans be there?" "He always go there with Undyne." "Oh okay." Me and Y/N entered the woods running through the trees and sharp bushes. Y/N had cuts all over her legs. "Ahh!" All of a sudden Y/N tripped over a rock and fell to the hard floor. "Y/N!" She fell to the floor unconscious. Damn why did I push her so hard! I picked her up her cold blood dripping on my bones.I quickly ran through the woods knowing Sans and Undyne would know the way out. All of a sudden I saw Sans and Undyne A big smile grew until I realized they were fighting."You don't even know her!" "At least she would acknowledge me!" "Well I'm not a freaking fish am I!" "Yeah and I'm not alone and depressed!" "I-im not alone! I could beat you up in 1 second flat!" "Yeah right! Y/N will never love you!" "Shutup!" Sans jumped at Undyne trying to punch her."Get off of me!" They both stood up attacking each other. Bones and spears flew everwhere. I remember the unconscious Y/N in my arms. I took a few steps back and ran off hearing one last thing."I'm gonna kill you!"

Your POV
You woke up hearing nothing at all. Not a voice not a mouse not a movement. You opened your eyes looking at a blinding white ceiling."W-what where am I?" "Y/N you're okay?I'm so happy!" You realized you've never been to this place."Where am I?" "Don't worry you're just in a hospital." You got up to see everyone you'd ever meet in the underground around you. "My child don't be scared." Toriel put an arm on your shoulder.  "Good morning Y/N!"
Asriel exclaimed jumping on you."Hey kiddo." Sans gave you a thumbs up. "Hey annoying little trouble maker!" Flowey said giving you a little glance. "H-hi Y/N." Alphys awkwardly waved at you."Hey stupid!" Undyne yelled at you. "Did you get in a fight?" Asgore asked concerned. "You scraped your knee." Muffet said pointing down at your knee.  "You've never looked better sweety!" Mettaton said waving her arms around. "Need a cig?" Burger pants asked you handing you one."No she needs ice cream!" Nice cream man shoved his way through the crowd handing you some ice cream."By the way you can call me Carson!" Nice cream man said. He never told anyone his name. Carson huh..weird."Hey Hey I brought you a present!" Monster kid handed you an umbrella you smiled at it."Hi" Napstablook bleekly said."Hey I'm sorry I couldn't be there." Grillbys said apologetically. You waited a few seconds for Chara,but she didn't come. "Thanks guys!" All of a sudden a doctor burst through the door. A human. "She's here!" He yelped. "Someone take Y/N out of here!" Papyrus yelled. Monster kid grabbed me and ran along. He was surprisingly strong."Who's here?" "Chara." He said seriously. "SuRpRiSe!" Chara grabbed me running off. "Let me go!" I pushed her off me. All my friends rushed around me. "15 against 1 Chara give up." "ThErE might bE 15 oF yOU bUt I'M mORe pOwERfUl tHaN AlL oF yOU coMbINeD!" "Chara what's the point of all this?" "To be with you." "I could never be with such a monster. So do us a favor and stop trying." "I'll make you forget everything! You will love me y/n l/n!" "If you want to fight so bad so be it. I hope you enjoy being killed by the one you love." I held out my hand taking Chara in my own grip. "Go." Everyone tossed all they had at Chara. You saw everyone group up into pairs. Toriel and Asgore teamed up shooting fire at Chara. Flowey and Sans shot beams at Chara. Papyrus and Mettaton teamed up making explosive bones. Napstablook and monster kid teamed up Napstablook cried into monster kids hands and he blasted the tears full speed at Chara. Carson and Burger pants teamed up throwing food at Chara.Undyne and Alphys teamed up throwing electric spears. Muffet and Grillbys teamed up throwing spiders and drinking glasses at Chara. She tried to escape my grip almost getting out until Sans walked over and grabbed her to. He grabbed my hand and our power combined. She was held there she was being destroyed until she had one hp. "Stop!" Everyone stopped and I walked over to Chara. I grabbed her knife and put the handle to my stomach. I grabbed her face and made her kiss me as the stab wound now in her body was bleeding. She died and I let go of her face. "It's done." I fell to the floor tired as ever so did everyone else. And I fell asleep.

~~Time Skip~~

I woke up looking at a pirate poster. What happened I looked at my clock. It had only been an hour. What even happened. Was that a dream?"Hello? Is anyone home?" I said as I opened the door to Papyrus's room. "Y/N you're up!" Papyrus ran up the stairs giving me a warm hug. "Papyrus what happened?" "Oh you don't remember? We were running through the woods and you tripped on a rock and fell." "Oh my did you give Sans the invite? Well no I-I couldn't find him. Haha." He laughed nervously. I grabbed his hand and tugged him along. " Cmon let's go to Grillbys he should be there." You walked outside to hear something in the woods. "What was that?" You walked in to the woods papyrus grabbing on your arm."Cmon let's go back." Suddenly you Sans and Undyne fighting. "Wait y/n!" Papyrus whispered. "Oh my god I should stop them! Should I?"

Yep here's a choice for this one! Here are your choices.

Stop them with force

Stop them with words

Run away

Watch the fight

Ask Papyrus to stop them

Warning: always remember each choice has there own conflict with story be careful what you choose.

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