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Your POV

My heart began to beat fast as I held him close to me.He finally let go and looked me in the eye."Y/N,what's wrong?" He looked at my face.After realizing the figure in the dream was right I realized,she was right about everything.That meant Papyrus and Undyne liked me to."Y/N,I know that this is weird but...

Will you be my girlfriend?"

You looked up at him blushing intensely."Of course!" I noded at him.He pulled be close as we embraced eachother for the remaning night.

~~Time Skip~~

The whole gang had already gotten up and we started our quest for the next target.We had already made our way to the hotlands before standing in front of the tall building labeled 'Lab'. We walked inside to the sound of pacing footsteps.I searched for the light switch as I heard it flicker on.Seeing the pitch black lab fill with light gave me a headache as I adjusted to it. You quickly looked up at the stuttering figure."Y-you must b-be
Y/N." "That's me!" you said happily.Papyrus wrapped his arms around your shoulder."Umm are you here f-for any particular r-reason?" She said lifting her glasses up her face.You looked over to Undyne.She was staring,at Alphys?"We came here to give you this!" You handed her the thin paper in your hands."A p-party?" She said shocked at the what she had been given."Yeah!" Suddenly Undyne grabbed you and the rest of the group. "Hey we should bring her along,she seems smart." "Do you like her?!" I began giving her the 'I know you like her like dont even' look. "N-no!" She said blushing. "Aww kawaiii!" "Well,can we?" She asked pleading. "Yeah of course." You turned to Alphys she was blushing.She obviously heard the whole conversation."What do you say?" "Y-yeah that would be awesome!" She lifted her hand up in a fist,acting like she was going to freeze in mid-air just like the movies.Undyne walked over to her putting an arm around her as she blushed like crazy.Soon you yourself realized the arm wrapped around you and the shorter angrier figure behind you.You grabbed Sans arm and also wrapped it around yourself.You began to walk towards Mettaton hotel.

~~Time skip~~

The short 8 eyed figure stood in front of you."Would you like one?" She basically had asked this before about 100 time not stopping for air."Kid." "Would you like one?" "Kid." "Would you like one?" "Kid!" "Would you like one?" "I'LL STRANGLE YOU BY YOUR OWN COBWEBS-" Sans yelled at the cocky kid in front of him."Would you like one?" "Huh, fine." He grabbed out his wallet and put a few bucks on the table along with the invite."Here's a tip for being a pain in the-" You covered Sans mouth and walked away. "Alright Sans, there is the hotel just ahead,don't get your panties in a bunch." He glared at you but then weakly smiled. This guy,was perfect.

~~Time Skip again~

You'd made your way to the hotel restaurant busting in like you were gonna rob the place."Heyo Burgerpants!" You smiled widely at him. "You-" "Shhhhh." You put a finger to his lip and became very close."Just read it okay?" "Alright little lady." You climbed off the counter and began to walk out. "To the gates!" You yelled.

A/N were almost to the end guys. ): But after that! If you didn't know there's a sequel! Alright I'd say we only got what till chapter 31 left have a good day! Oh and by the way thank you Okami_Wolf for the Undyne idea Byeeeeeeeee.

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