Chapter 2: Nyx, the good person

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"The first time I saw you, I thought you were scary... And a bit crazy..."

"Really?" Nyx asked with an odd smile on her face, like a villain planning on bullying the pretty prince.

The man blushed and nervously looked away as he nodded. "You're still scary and a bit crazy, but I don't care. You're always good to me. So, I will also be always good to you."


Nyx wasn't a bad person. Or at least she didn't think she was. It's just that sometimes her plans didn't work, and when they didn't, things would go terribly downhill. She didn't want other people to suffer because of her wrong calculations, but this time she really couldn't take the blame. She couldn't afford to do it.

Still, she felt bad for getting him arrested in her stead. After all, she was the one driving and losing control of the car because she was too busy blanking out and panicking to think straight and drive properly.

Why the fuck was he here?! Why him? What is he doing in this city? Frustrated, Nyx messed up her hair, making quite a lovely nest on top of her head in the process. This is all Lucy's fault. Why did she mention him earlier? It's like she summoned him!

Five years!!! Five God damn years! UGHHHH!!!
Okay, okay.... Calm down. I will just bail him out and compensate him and then pretend this never happened. I will pretend I never met him and go on with my merry life as I have done so far.

AGH! I don't know!!! This is so fucked up, I wanna cry. Someone help me! \(QΔQ」∠)_

Nyx really wanted to cry, even though she wasn't sure if the tears would be out of frustration, helplessness, or something else. Still, in the end, she shook her head lightly, steeling herself. It has already been five years. It's too late to cry over this anyway.

Exhaling a frustrated sigh, she moved back to the driver's seat. Her eyes wandered around trying to find anything that could tell her the guy's address or where he worked, so she could at least drive the car there. She could at least do this much.

It's all grandpa's fault! Why did he have to kick me out of the company just because I told him I didn't want to be in a relationship? It's not like we're living in ancient times, and it would shame the whole family if the daughter couldn't get married.

It's already 2021!

Getting more and more frustrated, even more so when she remembered that at the end of all these unfortunate events happening one after another, she still couldn't get her hands on her precious jar, Nyx decided to steal her grandfather's teeth again.

You don't want me to get my jar?

Fine! I will make another one!

After five minutes of going through the man's stuff like the well-behaved woman she was, Nyx finally found a wallet. The problem was that when she opened it and checked inside, the photo on the ID card didn't quite match the face of the man, even though they kind of looked alike.

It was his brother. Neil Lawson... Nyx had met him a few times before. The man was pretty chill and fun. Good-looking too. Is this Neil's car? If yes, then where is he? Why did he leave him alone in that state?

More importantly... why was he drunk? Why did he drink? He rarely drank back then...

Nyx continued going through the wallet. Cursing in her heart at her thoughts. But since she was unable to vent her anger on herself, she took it out on the wallet.

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