“Okay,” she laughed, and just like he prophesied, he thought of something she could do only an hour after while he was lounging in front of the T.V watching the news. The moment the idea struck, it hit him so hard that it shoved him off the couch and he scrambled to his feet. The idea was perfect and he could kill two birds with one stone for a lack of a gentler saying.

            Immediately he raced off to search for her, first the kitchen and then the laundry room, before he finally found her changing the bedding in his room. “Krislynn, we gotta go. We need to go right now!”

            “What do you mean? Where?” She retorted, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration having been disturbed from doing her chores. “Where are you taking me?”

            His reply was an overconfident smirk. “A secret place,” he said. “Just trust me on this. But we have to go if we’re going to make it and accomplish anything. You said you wanted to do something to make me feel better right? Well I thought of something so you have to come.”

            Krislynn was less than enthusiastic about this enigmatic outburst of his, but since she gave him her word and since he appeared so animated to her, like a child wanting to show something off, she laughed along and let herself be swept by his current. What Krislynn didn’t know was that this tiny adventure of theirs was going to be a horrific one, and indeed, she didn’t get an inkling of danger until it was too late for her to turn back.

            After getting into the car, Chase drove on and on, vying through the highway as if he had just robbed a bank and the cops were close on his trail. While he was preoccupied with driving, and the music played softly in the background, Krislynn stared out her side of the window and watched the beachside run by as if it was a world of its own turning. The water, tinted orange and yellow by the sun, stretched to the end of the horizon and Krislynn half amused herself by wondering what it would look like if the world was indeed flat and the water rolled off the edge like a waterfall as long as the Great Wall.

            As the car kept driving towards their destination however, Krislynn didn’t fail to notice the change in the sky’s color. At first, she thought it was just the night sneaking up behind the orange and the red, but something inside her stomach trembled with something almost akin to fear. It wasn’t until a while later, when the clouds started to come alive and roll across the horizon viciously that she realized the bruised clouds above her head weren’t signs of the night, but the signs of an incoming storm.

            By the time the realization hit, there wasn’t a single place to hide within the vicinity. They had driven out of the city, and now all that seem to surround them were wildlife and nature without even a house in sight Krislynn could run into. The car would not be safe, that was her immediate thought, and so the only thing she could do was pray that it was going to end up as a regular storm and that thunder and lightning wouldn’t show up to the party as well.

            “Chase?” Her voice came in a soft murmur just above the sound of the music, and her tug on Chase’s arm as she called out to her was just as feeble as her voice. “Where are we going? It looks… it looks like it might rain soon.”

            “Mmm…” was the only thing Chase managed to utter to her. He couldn’t meet her eyes knowing that this was hardly the nicest thing he should be doing to her, but somehow, as much as he himself wanted to turn the car around, a part of him wanted, needed for this to happen.

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