There was still some wood burning and we all sat there in silence, looking at the flames dance and listening to the wood pop and crackle.

Still, no one had said a word by the time Trinity came back, with a tray of tea in hand. Placing it on the table in the center of them, she quickly pours out each of us a cup before handing them to us. Taking the warm cup gratefully, I whisper thanks.

Going to her seat beside Eric, I notice that they don’t even try to be subtle about being so close together. Eric even puts his arms around her shoulders and holds her close to his side. I decided not to comment on this for the time being.

Taking a sip of the warm fluid, I enjoyed the warmth it brought me as it traveled down my throat.

“So that’s it then,” Jayden suddenly spoke up, “Just like that, we are defeated. There is nothing left for us.”

His attention was suddenly on me, “I heard what Father Elgin said to you, about how the people don’t believe that we will win this. They have already given up.”

I sighed and placed my cup on the table, “Just because the people have given up all hope doesn’t mean that we should.”

“So you really believe that we will be able to somehow close the portal and kill any and all demons and Fallen Angels who enter our realm?” Jayden challenged, “No matter how many we kill, they will just keep coming. They will overwhelm and overpower us.”

Crossing my arms over my broad chest, I leaned back in my chair and an eyebrow rose at this, “So you want us to do nothing?”


“You think the best option would be for us to run, save ourselves and go into hiding perhaps? So, ironically, we would really be trading roles with the Angels. They would rule us and we would be the fugitives on the run and hiding, is that correct?” I asked, trying to understand his direct train of thought.

“It is the best and only option,” he stated.

My eyes flashed to Rachel, she didn’t look impressed with the plan, but that could just be because she was still so full with sorrow about today’s events.

“They will never stop hunting us if we just run. If we fight and die then at least someone could say that we tried to win our freedom back. If we just run then that makes us cowards,” I understood his point but I didn’t like it because I didn’t believe in giving up so quickly.

There had to be another way.

Jayden looked way from and stewed in his own anger. I understood that a lot of this emotion had to do with loosing Sheridon the way that we did. This was his way of dealing with it.

“I miss Victoria…"

I almost missed the delicate, small voice that whispered such a heart wrenching statement.

My eyes turned to Trinity. She just looked so sad. There was no other word for it.

“I kind of miss her too…” Rachel agreed.

“It is quite strange not having her around,” Eric’s deep voice added, “This place feels different. I almost want to say that it feels wrong and empty…”

I sighed and rolled my eyes subtly to myself. I didn’t need more reminders of how much I wanted her back…

Jayden scoffed, “How can you all say that? It was her and her kind that killed all of those souls that we just mourned this afternoon. Have you forgotten about that so quickly?”

“She was still our friend for months before that!” Trinity spat suddenly.

That she was. A friend. Or maybe she was more than that? At least I think she was more than that to me… I almost laughed when realization suddenly hit me. I loved Victoria, that much is clear. But that made her my weakness.

Angel's Weren't Meant To Be Slaves. Welcome To Hell, Master. *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now