First meeting

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Lance's POV

"This is so great! Where're going to get our elementals!"I shouted in excitement,"Jeez,Lance,calm down its only our elementals."Pidge said slightly annoyed,"Yeah,it's not too much of a deal."Hunk agreed with,Pidge,"Re you kidding me! This is the most exciting event happening to us!"I yelled dramatically,"alright we get it,you're excited for this event,but you're just going to wait we have at least a whole day until we get there."Shiro said with in his dad voice,"Yes I agree with,Shiro,we have a lot of time to spare on the way there."Allura said in her mom voice,sometimes they can be like parents.

I woke up because of the sunlight shining in my eyes,"Guys,where're finally here!"I yelled with all my might,"Lance,please let me sleep more."Hunk asked in a groggy voice,"Yeah,Lance,go back to sleep,you need it."Shiro suggested,but I couldn't I dreamed of having my own elemental ever since I was 5 years old! The main reason was that my parents would show me how to be in total sync with their elementals it's awesome!

"Lance,wake up where're here."Hunk whispered in my ear I quickly got up,"Huh really where I'd it?!"I yelled tiredly,"pfft haha you're drooling on yourself!"Pidge said while laughing,"Rude!"I dramatically yelled,"Enough playing around! It's in a walking distance,it should be 5 minutes away."my face lit up with excitement,and happiness,"Yeah where almost there!"everyone looked ate annoyed already they had enough of my yelling,and shouting.

5 minutes later we arrived it was so beautiful,"Hey,Lance are you awake?"Allura asked a little worried,"Yeah I'm fine,why your worried about your son?"I said jokingly she looked at me annoyed,"Well anyways our dorms won't be too far I managed to get each of our schedules."Shiro said while giving the gang our classes,"We need to go to the bell tower that's where we'll meet our elementals."Shiro,announced the bell tower is so huge that you can see it 10 miles away!

We made it to the tower,and wow I knew it was huge,but not that huge! Its so wonderful seeing all the people get along,the elementals talking to one another,and hello pretty girl,some of these elementals look good AF!
"Lance!"Allura yelled in my face interrupting my thoughts,"What?!"I asked,"We said well split up,and see if an elemental will pick any of us,okay?"I nodded in response then we all went in different directions.

I was walking seeing all the different elementals with their masters hehe that sounds kinky I looked at one of the girls she looked hot,but something else caught my eye it was a guy he had a mullet,and fox ears with...9 tails maybe that's a thing he was born with,but I can't help to think that he looked adorable with those ears! Oh crap he's walking towards me act cool,"Hello I'm,Keith,and I'll be your elemental."he said casually I looked at him surprised,"Wait really?"I was fighting the urge to pet him,"Yeah,sadly."he Muttered the last part,"Hey what do you mean sadly?!"I said sounding offended,"I said nothing."he looked to the other direction I got curious why he was poking in another direction,so I followed his movements it was my friends.

"Looks like you found your partner."Pidge said smugly why does she look like that,"Yeah his name is,Keith."they looked at him,"Aw aren't you cute."Allura said in a baby voice,"Y-yeah."I saw a pink blush on his face he looks so adorable OMG!

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