"Sorry, but I can't let you walk out with this. It's way above the legal voltage limit." Parrish points out.

"I only use it for hunting." Argent defends while sending an awkward glance toward Derek and I. We both glare at him.

"Yeah,well, I'm pretty sure you could use it to jump-start a 747."

"This property belongs to me and the charges were dropped. Although, I'm not exactly sure who's responsible for that." Argent snaps.

Sheriff walks up behind us. "I am. I'll take care of this, Parrish."

"Sheriff,I'm not kidding. This thing's a few watts from behind a lightsaber."Parrish points out.

I cock my head at Argent and narrow my eyes. He looks down at my glare.

Sheriff picks up the prod. "I said I'll take care of it."


Sheriff brings us into his office I'm standing on the left side of Derek while Argent is on the other side of him, we all face Sheriff.

"The specialist I saw in LA told me the thing that every doctor says when he's trying to avoid a lawsuit. 'We can't say for sure.' And then I spoke to Melissa," Sheriff reaches under some papers and pulls on brain scans.

"These are brain scans. My wife's and Stiles'." He hands them to me, Argent and Derek look at them with me.

"I knew they were similar. But those are the same. Exactly the same." I place them over top of each other and they line up perfectly.

"And I'm guessing this isn't possible?" Derek comments.

"Not even remotely." I reply.

"So the trickster is still playing tricks." Argent supplies.

I put the scans back down on the desk.

"But why this trick?" I inquire.

"When I was in the Army, an officer told me, 'if you want to defeat your enemy, you don't take away their courage. You take away their hope.'"Sheriff answers.

"You don't look like a man who gives up hope easily." Argent points out.

"But Stiles might." I cringe and clench my fist, we can't lose him we have to do something.

Derek looks down.

"If this thing inside him, if it's using his mother's disease as some sort of psychological trick, then this isn't just a fight for his body. It's also a fight for his mind. Right?" Sheriff comments.

"You know, he's left people severely injured." Argent points out. I glare at him.

"And others severely dead, he even went after Anna." Derek deadpans.

A growl forms in my throat, which Derek takes as his warning to shut up.

"That's why I need the three of you. I need people who are experienced in this kind of thing. I need you to help me stop him." Sheriff states.

Derek and I look at each other.

"And by stop him, you mean trap him." Argent clarifies.

Sheriff nods and gives Argent a warning look as he holds out the werewolf prod.

Argent takes its. I turn to look at Argent. "Trap him, don't hurt him."I snap.


We drove to Argent's apartment to pick up the nonlethal weapons Allison had.

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