Gold Palm Trees - |Chapter 12|

Começar do início

"Yeah.....?" I still didn't understand where she was going with this. I was lost as hell, "What's the point of this conversation again?"

"To talk because we don't really get to," she ran her fingers through her burgundy hair. "You seem mad cool and you don't let shit get to you and a lot of people, including me don't have that trait. I wish I did though."

"I'm being honest with you when I tell you this, Yani, but you aren't someone I would trust with anything. Not even with a bottle of cranberry juice. I'm not in the market for friends because I already have three and that's more than enough for me, trust me on that."

"Really though, Melanie, I'm not trying to fuck with you because if I was then you would know because you're not stupid. I'm being genuine when I say this, you seem cool like a cool person to talk to because hell, I don't have anyone."

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I don't have anyone to talk to. You know Tanya and I don't get along. My mom and I haven't been on the same page since she found out I was pregnant with my daughter four years ago. My dad, I haven't seen him in almost three years. My brother lives in Iowa because of his job. We talk sometimes and he would come down to visit, but he's been really busy."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You have a daughter?"

She nodded, "Yeah, she's four years old."

"So you had her when you were seventeen?"

"Yeah, I'm twenty one now. I know I haven't been doing right by her by sleeping with different men, but this job is barely cutting it for me since I have to feed her and myself. My mom doesn't help out and she doesn't even want to see her granddaughter."

"What about the baby's father?" I asked.

"He'll come by once or twice a week to give us fifty damm dollars. What the hell am I supposed to do with that? I put half of that in her savings account for when she gets older and I use the other half on things that she needs. I rarely spend the money he gives us on myself because she's my top priority, I can use my own money on myself once in a while, but most of my money goes to her."

I nodded, letting her continue.

"I know he's making way more than that, and he chooses to be stingy. He's not a drug dealer, he works at a huge technician center with computers and his job just takes up his time. I mean, the days he sees her, he helps out when he can, and he tries to see her more often, than he used to since I put his ass in check," she said.

I looked at her and I knew what she was saying was genuine.

"No, auntie, I didn't. Ok, well I'll talk to you later," Tanya walked back to where we were. She glanced at Yani with a stank look on her face and said nothing.

"Is there a problem, Tanya?" she sighed as she looked at her with a bored expression on her face.

"Girl, you know-"

"Can both of y'all just chill for a day? Shit, don't y'all ever get tired of arguing all the time? That's all you two do," I said.

"I don't have no manners for no sluts," Tanya said with a shrug as she walked by us to get to the shoe wall.

"You don't have manners for anyone," Yani replied.

Gold Palm TreesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora