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Little bit of smut, I guess? Or sexual talk, idk, it's not a lot but yeah it's there. Also, with football I mean soccer. Enjoy!


"Hood," Michael spat as he crossed him in the hallway.

"Clifford," Calum grumbled.

They were probably the school's biggest enemies. Everybody knew the two boys hated each other, but nobody really knew why. They just knew not to test the boys, because sometimes, their fights got a little bit more heated than just words. Yeah, Calum and Michael had been in fights more than a couple of times.

Michael was the school's star football player. He was the popular boy everybody loved, yet he was arrogant and cocky. Everybody envied him, though, everybody wanted to be him. He was openly bisexual, but it seemed as if nobody minded.

Calum was not as popular as Michael, but everybody knew about him. Mostly because of the fights he had with the popular boy. Calum was head of the yearbook committee and one of the smartest people in his grade, but he wasn't an anti-social nerd. He was liked by most people, but not envied like Michael.

The two boys hated each other and never failed to express their hate. Insults, fights, every day it was the same thing. Everybody knew about their hate, but the reason was unknown. A lot of people thought it was because Calum was jealous of Michael's popularity, and Michael was jealous because of Calum's knowledge.

Another bad thing was that the boys were neighbours. They didn't only see each other at school, they saw each other everywhere. Their mothers were really good friends too, which made it all a little bit worse.

"Calum! Are you coming to the game tonight?" his best friend Luke asked, standing at his locker.

"Yeah, I have to. The yearbook needs pictures," Calum grumbled.

"Oh come on Cal, why do you even hate him so much? It's not like he did anything."

"He's just a cocky bastard who thinks he's too good for this world. His arrogance annoys me, I don't get why people like him."

"Fine, but just don't fight again. I heard my mother talking about it, saying yours was sick of you getting home every night with bruises and blood."

"Yeah, I know. She got pretty mad last time," Calum chuckled.

"Calum! It's not funny!" Luke whined.

"Yeah, sorry. I won't do it again," Calum said, closing his locker when he had all of his books.

"Promise?" Luke asked hopeful.

"No," Calum said while walking away to his class.

"Calum, come on! Cal!" Luke called after him, but the Maori boy just laughed.


"Mikey, be nice to him tonight."

"Can't promise anything, Ash. If the little nerd starts to be annoying again, you know I won't let him get away with it," Michael chuckled.

Ashton sighed, it's like his best friend liked fighting with Calum, like he got some sort of satisfaction out of it.

"Please, just ignore him. Just for tonight. He will be taking pictures, and I don't want you all bruised and bloody in the yearbook."

"Fine," Michael grumbled.

They were in the changing room, right before the game started. The rest of their team was already warming up on the field, but Ashton had pulled Michael back.

Dreams (Malum one shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें