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Warning: smut chapter. I'll put '***' when it begins and when it ends, so if you don't feel comfortable reading it, then don't :)


"Dad," Michael's daughter, Bella, said with a small voice.

"Yeah?" Michael said, looking down at his beautiful girl. Michael was a single dad. Bella's mother had run off to wherever when Bella was four, and ever since, it had been Michael and Bella. They were the best of friends, most of the time.

Bella was eight, and she had the same colour of eyes as Michael. Her hair was a dark brown, just like her mother's. Michael had wanted to dye it, but Karen told him it was way too early to dye Bella's hair, she was too young. Michael thought it didn't matter, he thought Bella would look cool with blue or purple hair, but he did what his mother told him.

"I, um, I have something for you," Bella said, getting a piece of paper from her schoolbag.

Michael frowned as he took it from her.

"What? I have to see the principal? What did you do?"

"Nothing!" Bella whined.

"Bella Anna Clifford, what did you do?"

"I couldn't help it! David was making fun of Ellie, because she has eyes in two different colours, so I slapped him. Ellie's my best friend, dad, and David was being a jerk!"

Michael sighed, what Bella did was wrong, but it was for good reasons.

"Alright," Michael said as he picked his daughter up to put her on his lap, "I'll talk to the principal tomorrow after school. You'll have to stay with grandma for a bit then, okay?"

Michael hadn't asked Karen whether Bella could stay with her or not, but Michael's mother absolutely adored her grandchild, so Michael knew she would be alright with it.

As Bella ate her food, Michael called Karen quickly, explaining what had happened and asking if Bella could stay there for a little bit. Michael could hear his father shouting at Karen that it was alright, and Michael laughed. Daryl also loved Bella a lot.

At first, Michael's parents weren't too keen on getting a grandchild. Michael was young, really young, he was eighteen when he got Bella, and his parents were worried. But, Michael got a job, worked really hard, and went to live in an apartment with Bella and her mother for four years. When Bella's mother left, Michael had earned a fair amount of money, and he started working a little less. He went from six days in a week to four, and he could handle it, together with the help of his parents.

Michael smiled when thinking about it. He had handled it all pretty well, Bella was a beautiful and smart girl, who was happy most of the time. They had a roof above their heads, food, and could pay all the electricity and heating bills. Michael was happy.

"Daddy, can you tell that one story again?" Bella asked as Michael put her to bed.

"Which one?" Michael asked as he sat down on her bed.

"The one about the princess, who falls in love with the beast!" Bella exclaimed excitedly.

Bella absolutely loved that story, because her name was almost like the princess'.

Michael told her all about Beauty and the Beast, smiling when Bella had fallen asleep. Michael kissed her on her forehead, whispering a "sleep tight, princess. Love you."

Michael watched a little bit television before his eyes fell on the note that was laying on the coffee table. He picked it up again, reading over it for a second time.

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