Chapter 1- A crazy-ass cocaine addicted man

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I walked nearer and nearer to the coastline. The ocean was a sparkling blue, the sun rays reflecting brilliantly.Keeping my head down, my hood low, I took quick steps weaving among the crowd at the dock.

It was chaos, people screaming profanities in Spanish, unloading boxes and cartons and repairing ships. There were horns blowing, people shouting and complete pandemonium and confusion. My eyes scanned the horizon, looking for a particular ship with a black sail. I spotted it, a few metres to the left. I quickened my pace, hoping to get this done as soon as possible and leave. I soon reached the gangway and called for the man I was supposed to sell it to. I saw a man standing on the gangway. I hooked my fingers on the strap of my backpack.

"I need to see Franco" I told him.

"Wait here Niña," he said to me and walked inside the ship and disappeared.

He returned a few minutes later, alone.

"Where's Franco?" I demanded.

"You better behave well niña," he snarled.

"Franco says he wants to do business inside the ship."

My eyes widened. I hadn't signed up for this. I was supposed to hand over the crack and get the money, that was the deal. I wasn't going to go on some crazy- cocaine addicted man's ship. I wouldn't make it out alive.

"No." I was walking on thin ice here and I knew it.

The man's eyes widened. The piercings all over his face glittered in the morning sun and his teeth were bared in an ugly grimace.

"What did you say niña?" He glared at me with those haunted eyes.

"I said no, u dumbass. No means no. I ain't going on some crazy- ass ship. Franco want the crack he gets it here, or he doesn't." I stood my ground glaring at him with defiance burning in my eyes.

His face twisted with anger and he looked around.

"Now now, you wouldn't want to create a scene here would you?" I asked amusedly adjusting my backpack strap on my shoulder.

"Cállate, niña, keep your mouth shut or it won't be good. You will come and you will come quietly otherwise I drag you there. It's up to you."

I didn't move an inch and glared at him. "No crack then" I shrugged and turned around.

He moved surprisingly fast and silently. He grabbed me around the waist, clamping one hand over my mouth. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening and immediately kicked out. I made contact with his legs, hard as steel while i writhed in his iron grip. My hands couldn't reach my ankle to grab the knife hidden in my shoe. He made his way down the gangplank struggling to keep me in his hold.

We reached the deck and just as he took a step down to reach the cabin I bit his hand hard. He cursed in Spanish, letting go of me, and I, seizing the chance jumped free and grabbed the knife at my ankle and sliced at his leg. He howled in pain and fell to the ground just as other members of Franco's group came rushing out of the cabin. I drew out my other knife from inside my jacket and twirled them in my hands.

"Don't take another step forward, or I am going to kill you" I threatened. Internally I was shaking, though I didn't show that on my face.

Franco's men stopped in their advancing tracks and looked at each other. They were absolute idiots without their leader obviously, just born to serve. The man still lay on the ground, blood leaking from the wound in his leg.

"Call Franco" I ordered.

They looked at each other again, not knowing what to do, till one of them cautiously stepped back and went inside to summon Franco.

I kept glaring at them, all of them standing at a few metres distance from me. My knives glinted in the sun, as I twirled them on my fingers. Suddenly I heard a loud crash behind me and whipped around losing focus. At that moment, somebody grabbed my arm and threw my knives on the floor, out of reach. They roughly grabbed my shoulders and brought a knife to my throat.

"Now who's talking Niña?" The guy who was holding the knife to my throat breathed in my ear. I stood still, cursing myself to be fooled and letting my guard down. They roughly turned me around and forced me down the steps and into the cabin.

I looked around the cabin, my eyes taking in various curious things. The paintings, the instruments, the wood, all laid with gold. There were numerous vials on the shelves, huge paintings of ancient Spanish kings and queens, and velvet curtains. Sunlight streamed in from the numerous windows. In the centre of the room, behind a large brown desk sat Franco himself.

"Well well well! Look who we have here! Our pretty little drug dealer!"

I glared at him the best I could with a knife at my throat.

He got up and walked around the desk and came closer. My hands were tied to my back and I struggled to get them free. The man pressed the knife a little deeper into my throat. I stopped struggling and stood still.

"Is everything alright niñita? Run into a little trouble have we?" He said trailing a metal-nailed finger down the side of my face.

I turned away disgusted by his touch and spat in his face.

"Don't touch me" I said slowly and menacingly.

At that precise moment, he slapped me hard. I fell to the ground, the knife raking my throat leaving a line of blood. My cheek stung, and I breathed heavily my eyes burning with anger. Before I could react he kicked my side knocking the wind out of me forcing me to fall to the floor, flat. I rolled over, coughing hard blood splattering the wooden floor.

Franco bent down took a fist of my hair in his hand.

"Where is the crack?" He breathed into my ear.

When I didn't answer he dragged me by my hair and made me stand up.

"Where is the crack!" he screamed.

Slowly, I reached inside my jacket and took out the packet of cocaine and threw it on the floor at his feet. He looked at it, then he looked at me. Next moment, he threw me across the room. I crashed against the wall, breaking half my bones, blood splattering everywhere. I sank to the ground, coughing hard, blinking my eyes, blinded by the pain. I saw Franco standing over me, a grin spreading over his face. With a horrible, sinking feeling, my ears comprehended the sound of the horn, signalling the ship's departure from the shore. Then I blacked out.

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