[2] Your stay will be pleasant.

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Your stay will be pleasant.

As I put on my uniform this morning, I realise that I'm putting in a little more effort into how I look today than usual. I don't question this feeling that's making me need to look presentable for once. Normally, I would put on my white blouse, and blank pencil skirt, doing up my hair in a messy bun, and putting on my regular heels, and then walking out the door. But not today. Today, after my shower, I decide to change from my regular white blouse, to one I normally wear to important meetings and outings with the staff at the Asylum. I decide to make the effort of ironing my skirt, and wearing the shorter one that I decided not to wear to work anymore because many of my patients would stare. I didn't know what came over me, but I also put on makeup. I never put on makeup to work.

Walking out the door to work, I didn't feel myself. I was comfortable within myself, but how I look right now is completely different to what I would normally wear. I shake off the thought of me actually wanting to make an effort for Frank. That's just ridiculous. He's a patient, and I'm his Nurse. It just doesn't work like that.

Arriving to the Asylum and walking up the front steps this morning feels ominous. The vibes I was feeling weren't regular. Then again, this feeling usually arises when a new patient comes to the Hospital.

I unlock the door that Frank had gone through only yesterday afternoon, and I go into the main office to find Nurse Rose packing up to go home after her night shift.

"Morning," She picks up her bag, "I'm glad to see you're here, actually. Let's just say that Frank isn't as social as we thought."

I knew that. I could tell from the small answers he gave me yesterday.

"He's probably just nervous. I mean, if you got sent in a plane over to a different city where you can trust nobody and know nobody you'd be the same." I shrug and go over, putting my bag down and getting a tea bag from the kitchen counter.

"I'd like to believe that," she sighs, getting up to leave, "I'm heading off now, Alex. Have a good day. Nice makeup, by the way. Not every day I see you like this"

I turn to farewell Rose, "See you, Rose, thank you."

Finishing my tea, I go over and find Frank's file within the mountain on the table in the office. Searching through, I finally find his on the bottom on the pile.

I read over last night's notes taken by Nurse Rose:

Frank Iero,
First Night Overview:

Frank was quiet throughout the night, and only really called for one thing. He asked for a sketch book, which I didn't see much harm in, so I gave him a book, along with a non-sharpened pencil and eraser. He ate supper without complaining. However, when we were doing 12am checks, I found he was still up, drawing in the book. I ask him politely to go to sleep, and he ignores me, as if I weren't even there. I check on him at 3am, and he is asleep, but when I attempt to find his sketchbook, I cannot find it. I leave his room, and I hear a voice, most likely his, say "You won't find it. Just leave." I get scared, so I leave his room. Overall, his night was most likely peaceful, however he needs to learn the timetable and he needs to build respect to us Nurses.

Nurse Rose.

I frown slightly at this entry. Rose could've been easier on him. What I wanted to know, was why she wanted to confiscate his sketchbook. It's most likely private, and to invade someone's privacy, especially a patient here at the Institute, is violating the Hospital's guidelines.

Shaking my head, I flip the paper over to find a blank daily check page. I fill in the date, and head out of the room. I go over to the spiral staircase and run my spare hand over the railing. I still remember the first time I walked up these stairs all those years ago. I head up the staircase, and up into the Asylum halls.

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