[1] Welcome, to the Asylum.

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Welcome, to the Asylum.

A smile on the patient's face. It's what we Nurses long for in this Hospital.

"Thank you, so much, Nurse Brennan." Marco's mother was on the verge of tears to see her son able to go home.

"It's our pleasure." I reply to her, "We take joy in what we do here, and to see a patient well enough to be discharged makes us overly happy."

I smile, yet it is that same, continuous fake smile I wear every day. Marco's mother had lost interest in me, anyway. Marco was the centre of attention for her. He only spent 12 months here at the Hospital. There are patients who have been here for over 5 years. It's a little over dramatic to see Marco's mother overexcited to see their child.

"Say thank you to Nurse Brennan, Marco."

Marco looks up at me, tears welling in his eyes. He lets go of his mother and runs over to me and hugs my waist. Marco was only ten years old. Even I get emotional when I see younger patients being discharged. It means they are able to live their life to the best of their ability. His tears wet my black pencil skirt, but I don't mind. I've had worse than just tears on me before.

His voice is muffled, but still audible. "Th-thank you so much, Nurse Alex."

"You are very welcome, Marco."

He parts from me and goes back over to his mother. We share our last goodbyes and they exit the Hospital. Once they were gone, the foyer was eerily silent. The sudden silence makes me feel uncomfortable. I swiftly move over to the front desk, checking if any patients needed attention. Today was such a slow day, I felt as if something were bound to happen that would change the vibe of this Asylum completely.

I pick up at least ten clipboard folders, all of which the daily check-ups of patients have been completed earlier today. Dropping them back down again, I sigh. Was there any work to be done in this place?

Nurse Rose entered the office, and she seemed as bored as I was.

"Nothing to do?" She asks in her casual British accent.

"Doesn't seem to be any work at all." I reply, nicely.

Nurse Rose wasn't my favourite Nurse. However, she did know how to get the work done. It's just her perfect porcelain face, and neat, purple dyed hair, that always makes me think she's in the wrong profession.

She goes over to the coffee machine, and begins making herself a cup. She doesn't offer me one. She knows I don't drink coffee.

"I'll just do my rounds, then." She exits the room, taking her freshly brewed coffee with her.

Since Marco has been discharged, I take the initiative to clear out old files in the filing room, across from the main office. As I travel over there, and I take Marco's files I kept for the consultation I had with his mother earlier before.

Hardly ever does this room get cleaned. And, you can tell. Filing cabinets half open, papers scattered all over the floor. You could say one of the patients came in here and trashed the place, but they didn't.

I turn the light on, and take a deep breath. I'm the only one who attempts to clean this mess-house. And I get it spotless every time I clean it, but within a month's time, it goes back to looking like this. I can't really get mad at the Nurses, though. They need to be in here and out within minutes, they don't get time to clean up their mess from finding the file they want.

I don't realise how much time had passed, but it must've been at least afternoon by the time I finish cleaning the File Room. It wasn't perfect, but it sure as hell was better than before. I exit the room, taking one last glance at the tidiness of it. I smile and walk back over to the main office. For some reason there were around four nurses, all crowded around the table.

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