Part 5: A Day With Suga

Start from the beginning

'Where are you?'

'Well they gave me a full makeover today.'

'I wanna see ^^'

'Its a surprise'

'Aw, You're gonna make me wait? ):'

'We're going back home now, or so I think. So you'll be able to see'

'But I won't be able to hold you or whisper in your ear to tell you how beautiful you are'

I blushed and my heart began to beat fast.

'Yes you can :P'

'Not the way I want to >_<'

'How do you want to tell me then?'

'Alone...just the two of us (;'


'Haha, I have something special planned tonight. Hopefully everyone will sleep early.'

'What's your plan?'

'You'll see, I'll see you when you get home. We just arrived. <3'

'I'll be there in a bit ^^'

I walked out to where the crew was. They looked astonished by my transformation, it felt kinda odd. They were looking at my with their jaw dropped and wide eyed. They HAD to be men. I rolled my eyes and put on a smile.

Camera Man: W-Wow. You look....amazing.

"Thank you, who ever picked this wardrobe is a genius. Perfect fit and it's cute. Also very edgy and the heels add a sexy feel. It's nice"

He nodded. "Very nice...."


He noticed my expression and became embarrassed.

Camera man: S-Sorry...

"It's okay. So are we going back home?" I asked.

Camera Man: Yes, there's a car waiting for you. We don't want to get tired.

I nodded and thanked the ladies that attended me. I left a tip in the jar and we were on our way. We made it back home and I got out of the car.

Camera Man: how about a picture?

"Uhh sure, why not" I smiled and posed.

Camera Man: Beautiful~

They opened the door and we went upstairs. I opened the door, the camera man walked inside first, I guess to capture their reaction to my make over. I walked in after him.

"Hey" I smiled.

They stared wide eyed.

V: Noona, is that you?

Jungkook: Wow.

Jin: Your hair.

Jimin: You look....

RM: Beautiful.

Suga: More than before.

J-Hope: Nice. Such a big change, but a good one ^_^

I blushed a little. "Thanks...I'm glad you guys think so. I mean this isn't really my style but -"

Jimin: it looks great.

I smiled. "Thank you"

Suga: Later guys. Come on Karen.

He walked towards me.

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