Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Kevin’s POV

“Where the hell did he go?” Chris yelled, as my phone rang. I shrugged slipping it out of my pocket.


“Hey, where you guys at?” Sam asked. I could sense the tenseness in his voice.

“Home. What happened to you?” I questioned back.

“Uh, you should know where I'm at. Hurry up,” And I did know where he was.

I always have and I always will. With other people, I can tell you exactly what they’re thinking and planning to do. With Sam, I have to memorize. I'm not some freaky mind reading vampire if that’s what your guessing. It's just a talent. People’s body language, facial expressions, emotions. I can put it together and know exactly what they’re thinking. I’ve always used this skill of mine to get whatever I want whenever I want. That was, until I met him.

I was seven at the time. I was sitting on a bench reading my book and watching idiots run around screaming and laughing like always. Suddenly, everything went quiet. It was odd for those morons to shut up for even a second so I looked up from my book. They were gawking at something…or rather, someone. I followed their gaze to meet with the most magnificent thing on earth.

He shined like no other kid- or even adult. I was shocked. Nothing has ever caught my attention as much as him. He was so different.

There was something about him that made me feel inferior- me. The first few weeks of school I spent trying to figure out what it was about him that was able to captivate so much attention. Instead, I couldn’t figure out not one thing. I had no idea, not even a little clue as to what went on in his mind. I was entirely frustrated. To add to that, his scores became top in school

I went home dumbfounded that day.

I've never came in second- ever. That's when I decided, I wanted to understand him. No matter what it took. The next day I went to introduce myself.

“Hi, I'm Kevin,” I held out my hand.

“Sam,” he nodded back, smiling. From that day on, we became friends.

I know so much about Sam now. Yet I still cannot tell what goes on in that brain of his. He’s just so simple in such a complicated way. It's not an act either. He uses and expresses such simple thoughts. But I know he's capable and intelligent. Maybe even more than myself...

I've known him for so long now and I still wonder what goes on in that odd mind of his. He's so effortless in most things yet has elegance, fierceness, and power rolling off him. Physically, anyone can tell he’s flawless.

Samuel Hayes is the only person I have ever felt respect for. I don't even look up to my parents. I just found myself to envy and respect him.

We arrive at the river, a beautiful place near some mountain we found when we were kids. Sam was sitting there ripping out grass and tossing them behind. This was unusual because he always lays there and just looks into the sky.

“Hey man! Where you been?” Chris asked, while landing on the grass, next to him. Sam jumped up and turned to us.

“My friends are finally here. I missed you guys.” He said, then smiled. What the hell? That’s the first time- that genuine- blissful smile? Yeah, he's laughed at jokes and when we hang out but never has he smiled that happily. And it was real. Of course, I could have guessed Chris would be the first one to speak after the shocking moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2012 ⏰

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