Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Wheres Zoey and Kevin?” I asked looking around, to see if they came in seperate.

“They said they weren’t hungry so they went back to the apartment first,” Tyler said, shrugging.

“What? You let her and him go to an apartment alone?” I shouted, my eyes widening, oh god!

“Chill out, Kevin's not gonna touch her.” Chris said. He looked serious too. Not touch her? Does that maybe mean, hes gay?

“Whats that suppose to mean?” I asked not wanting t voice my thoughts, because I knew it'd be rude to ask.

“And no hes not gay.” Chris said rolling hi eyes, that’s a relief. Can you just imagine how many hearts would be broken if he was? Ha ha. That would suck. I could imagine one major one that would be broken- Zoey's. “Just trust me, he wont touch her.” he said reassuring me.

“I guess…” I mumbled, looking away.

“You guess? Kevin wouldn't touch that even if she begged him too. Wouldn’t doubt shes trying to seduce him right now. My poor friend…” he shook his head and smirked. Nobody asked to hear from you Sam! So just shut up!

“Lets not start anything again,” Tyler said sighing.

I looked back at Trey and rolled my eyes. Jerk. The pizza came and we ate. Chris and I were fighting over the pieces. I'm really starting to like Chris.

Hes intimidating ninety-five percent of the time but the other five percent of the time he was fun to be around. He brought out the kid in me. Tyler wasn’t bad either. He's laid back and romantic one of whole gang thing. Kevin's the mature smart one. As for jerk face, hes the abusive, bad tempered leader.

We were stuffed so we left to their apartment. Zoey better be okay! As we were pulling in, I got scared. I'm about to walk into a gangsters apartment. There might be knives and guns and who knows, they might even have bombs in there. O-k, I'm officially scared!

“Idiot, get out the damn car!” Sam yelled.

I got out and dragged my feet forward, “I have a name you know and it's not idiot!” I looked up and it was a hotel. The Colosseum. Who lives in a hotel? Especially a five star super expensive hotel! I followed the guys in.

The door was a spin around door that was no doubt the coolest. There were so many people inside. Well duh Flora, it’s a hotel. The lobby was very contemporary. I liked it. The ceiling was sky high with extravagant lights. The tiles were a pearl color and were sparkly as if diamonds were embedded in them. The center piece was a fountain. Not a regular fountain, but a fountain in a glass sphere, and it was spinning slowly.

Wow! How is it doing that? As we walked by the front desk, I noticed all the receptionists bow. Were they greeting someone special or was this just how they welcome all their guests? We got into the elevator and Sam swiped some card and pressed twenty-eight in the pad. Which I was guessing was the highest floor since it’s the highest number.

When the elevator door slide open and my mouth dropped. Their so called ‘apartment’ was the whole top floor, this is insane!

“Flora!” I snapped out if it as I heard Zoey.

“Zoe-” I said, not being able to conjure up any words.

“Isn't this the coolest! Oh my god, Kevin you've got to show her around. This place is amazing Flora!” she squealed.

“You show her. I've shown you the whole place three times already,” Kevin stretched and plopped down onto the sofa.

The guys followed after, all landing unceremoniously, onto whatever they pleased. Chris ended up landing on Sam, and he pushed him off yelling, “Dude!”, I giggled, because I thought he looked cute when his eyebrows and nose scrunched up.

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