Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I flopped my head on the desk, obviously depressed. I felt someone sit next tome. I didn’t look up guessing it was Zoey. Wait! Zoey is never this quiet. I turned my head, coming to meet the beautiful eyes of my worst nightmare. I groaned.

“Why are you sitting here?” I asked annoyed, couldn't he just leave me alone? He just shrugged, “Then move.” He shook his head, “Do you have to sit here of all places?” He nodded. Ok! Talk about aggravating. Speak already idiot! “You know, I wouldn’t mind getting answers in word form.”

He just glared at me. Intimidating? I'd say! “Alright buddy, its either you move or-”

“Ms. Lee, what is all the unnecessary yelling for?” Mr. King questioned walking into the room.

“Uh, nothing sir” I said looking down, embarrassed.

“Ok then. Well, if you haven’t noticed class we have an exchange student. He just switched schools yesterday. Would you like to introduce yourself?” He looked at the jerk.

There was silence. You could maybe answer the man? I noticed all the attention in the class being placed on us so I tugged at his arm a little. He gave me his attention and I gestured to Mr. King. He looked up at Mr. King and gave him this super freaky glance. I shivered a little.

“Uh. The-there’s not really a need for introductions right?” Mr. Pine stuttered nervously while wiping sweat from his forehead then continued. “Ok, well this week is going to be based on writing techniques. You will read as much as you can during this week and will be held accountable for an essay based on your observations. Alright then good luck!”

With that he walked to his desk and ignored everything that was going on for the rest of the hour. I sighed. I could hear everyone complaining about how they have parties to attend, hair appointments, shopping plans, etc. I saw Zoey walking over and turned my attention back to the monster sitting beside me.

“Hey, could you get up already?”

“Quit nagging! I'm sitting right here, and not moving!” We both glared at each other.

“You guys seem to be getting along well.” Zoey said with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, let me just tell you,"

“Can I borrow her for awhile?” she asked Sam. He dropped his head to the desk and waved his hand.

Why do I have to be borrowed? From him exactly? “Why do I need to be borrowed from him?” I was getting irritated.

“You’re his- didn’t you hear?” she asked, looking as if the news was old.

“Not!” We walked to the seats in the far corner and sat down.

“You cant say no to him honey,”

“And why can't I?” I demanded.

“You haven’t heard the rumors?” she asked eyes widening.

“Which are?”

“They're gangsters” she whispered as if he was scared someone would here.

“Really? gangsters?” I said with a laugh.

“Seriously! Its true. All four of them. They’ve gotten into so many fights they're famous. People say that Sam's like some sort of abnormally strong, extremely dangerous creature when he's angry.”

“And I suppose you’re believing all of this.” High school boys? Gangsters? Pshh! Its just a little gimmick to get attention.

“Its true!” she argued back, nodding her head. I gave her the ‘you seriously believing this crap’ look, “Ok, if you don’t believe me. I”ll prove it to you.”

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