Chapter 12 - My Day With Ronnie

Start from the beginning

"Do you like it?" Ronnie steps beside me.

"I do. It's beautiful." I'm stunned.

She loops her arm through mine, "The guys won't be here for another thirty minutes and then they'll need to settle with the front desk. Let's go next door and get a drink and finish talking, okay?"

I nod and we stop at the front desk and let them know where we'll be, before going next door. We get our drinks and end up on the patio to enjoy one of the last nice days, since it will be getting very cold shortly.

Ronnie continues her story, "He told me that he loved me and would never leave me. We would plan our lives together after I graduated from high school. We would get married and I would go to college, while he worked supporting both of us. Then after I graduated from college, we would have children. I was so in love that I never thought about protection when we had sex. When I ended up pregnant, I was actually very surprised."

I had to ask, "Did you all only have sex at school?"

"We had sex at school, in his car, at the beach, and at his apartment. I even snuck him into my room a few times. I loved being at his apartment. I would act like we were already married and cook dinner for him. I actually learned to cook for him. I cleaned his apartment, did his laundry. I was a good wife to him without the commitment."

She takes a sip of her drink and continues, "I told him that I was pregnant, sure that he would want to immediately marry me so we could start our lives together. He acted like he was really happy and we made love that night. When I went into school the next day, he wasn't there. There was a rumor going around school that he just quit suddenly, without a reason."

"After school, I rushed over to his apartment and it was empty. He had moved out of his apartment also, not leaving anything. Not even a note for me. Asshole," her face tightens in memory.

I take a sip of my drink, and put on my jacket because it's starting to get a little cool. I watch her as she composes herself to finish the story.

"Heartbroken, I had to go home and tell my parents I was pregnant and who the father was. It wasn't a very pleasant conversation at all. Luckily, our father was the D.A. for that county at the time, and was able to get his social security number and track him down to his next job. He went down to see him and gave him the ultimatum. My father came back with my first check."

"How much do you regret?" I ask.

"All of it, except my daughter. I learned a lot from that situation. I'm a stronger person from it." She answers knowing exactly what I was asking.

The guys arrive and we leave the restaurant to meet them in front of the salon. I do feel refreshed and more relaxed than when I walked inside earlier. Dylan walks directly over to me and gives me a hug, "I missed you," and kisses me on the top of my head.

"We were only gone for two hours."

"Two hours too long." Rand takes Dylan's place, hugging me and kissing me on the cheek.

Cameron walks out of the salon, "Hey! Where's my hug?" I shyly walk over to him and give him a hug. He kisses me on top of my head and releases me, but takes my hand, "Where do we want to go for lunch?"

"Someplace light. Remember we have dinner tonight." Ronnie instructs them.

Dylan thinks for a minute and then nods walking towards the SUV. We just follow not knowing what he's thinking. He hops in the driver's seat and waits for all of us to settle in. Then we take off and wonder where he's taking us.

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