"I do?" I tilt my head.

"Yes! What? How could you forget like the biggest day of your life," she exaggerates, "Ugh! We're going to have so much fun. Can we please just leave now?" she pleads eagerly, tugging on my arm.

"Well let me get dressed and rid of this morning hai.."

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Noo way. Lexi, we agreed you could have her at 12." Louis tugs me back his way.

"I can still have my way with her for about 2 more hours," he adds on with a cheeky smirk.

Niall abruptly clamps his hands over his ears.



"Ugh, fine!"

"Great! Now breakfast, my love." he grabs my hand and leads me into the dining room, where 3 steaming plates are sat.

He pulls the chair out for me and I thank him. Afterwards, he quickly leaves and fetches Brianna.

I know he has her when I hear her burst of giggles and Olivia's "Aw man."

When he comes back, he goes to set her down in her high chair, but she whines and fidgets, like everyday.

"Bri, you're going to sit in this chair." he tells her firmly.

"No!" she pouts.

"You say this everyday Lou," I chuckle, taking a bite out of my french toast.

"Yeah, but I mean it this time!" he defends.

"Okay," I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious."

"I guess we'll see, won't we?"


He sets her down in her high chair. She's instantly crying as her bum hits the bottom.

As expected, his whole demeanor changes as he watches.

"Brianna..." he frowns.

She begins to bang her fists onto her food tray.

"Maybe... Maybe I should just let her.." he trails off as he looks back over to me, "I mean, how's your food?" he quickly changes as he stuffs a piece into his mouth.

I shake my head, "It's good."

As much as he tries to ignore her, his head keeps ending up focusing back on her.

He groans, his head hitting the table when he sees tears.

"Brianna don't cry." he pleads.

"Dada!" she cries.

"And 5, 4, 3.." I silently count down to myself. My calculations are right, as right on time, he comes to a stand and walks over to her.

She stops crying as soon as she's lifted out of the high chair and sat down on her dad's lap.

She doesn't hate high chairs entirely, but she has her days. One day she wants to sit on the floor, the next on our laps, in the high chair, and just so on.

I struggle to hold back my laugh at him. He notices, as he slowly feeds her a small piece of the cut up banana.

"Shutup," he huffs.

"I didn't say anything," I say raising my hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Next time," he promises.

"Right," I giggle. "You got it, pushover."

I know he hates when I call him that so I wasn't very surprised when he set Brianna onto the floor and abruptly stood up and came my way.

The Accident // L.T.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora