[1] Welcome, to the Asylum.

Start from the beginning

"What's this?" I ask politely. Lunch is supposed to be taken in turns, so there is always three staff at most on duty.

"Oh, there she is!" Nurse Cristina jumps out of her seat, and the other two Nurses move out of the way as she comes over to me, extending her arm out at me, dragging me over to where she was seated before.

"So, we got a phone call from the local Police Station," Cristina continues, "and turns out we're going to have a new patient! How exciting, right!"

"Do we know anything about this patient?" I ask her knowingly, and calmly.

She realises that she was overreacting a little, so her next words are professional and strong. "We believe his name is 'Frank', and he was found by police on the streets of Seattle, and they bought him here in Manhattan a little over two days ago."

"Interesting. There are Institutions in Seattle, though, right? Why did they move him here?"

"I was in contact with one of the Nurses from the Seattle Institution," Nurse Abbey broke her silence from behind me, "she said that Frank had been to that Institution already, but he escaped. She said that they don't want him back, ever. She really emphasised that 'ever'."

"That's a bit harsh, though," Rose joins in on the conversation, "I mean, that can't be the only reason why they don't want him. It's not hard to contain someone."

I look down at the paper in front of me on the table. Only small notes were written on the blank page, most likely what the Police told us over the phone before I came.

Frank __? - Male - 24 years old – Diagnosed with Haphephobia and Chronic Mania.
To be admitted later today.

"They're bringing him today? Don't you think that's a little..." I try to find the right word, "sudden?"

"It's what they arranged, we can't argue with that. The Police have a higher status, Alex." Rose groans.

"I'll get a spare room ready, then." Abbey decides.

"Good idea," I agree that we should be ready for when he arrives, "Rose, go with Abbey, please. Cris and I will do paperwork."

Abbey doesn't seem too pleased with Rose going with her, but she doesn't complain. They leave the office and travel into the main part of the Asylum to find a spare room for our new patient.

"They didn't say a time this afternoon?" I ask Cristina, as I go over and find a blank admission booklet for Frank.

Cristina continues making a coffee for herself. "Nope. But I'm guessing soon. They didn't seem like they wanted to keep him."

"And, this is all the information you got?" I find an admission book and go over to the table where I was at only moments earlier.

"Yeah, they said they were going to give us the paperwork from the Seattle Institution but I can't really guarantee that will happen."

I don't say anything to add to the conversation. I need to focus on what I can fill out in this admission booklet.

First Name: Frank Last Name:
Age: 24 years
Sex: Male
Date of Birth:
Town of Birth:

I couldn't answer much more in the book. I give up and put it aside. What I found more interesting right now was the diagnosis the Seattle Institution gave us. It's odd to have a Chronic patient with Haphephobia in a patient so young. I wouldn't be surprised if I found Schizophrenic symptoms within Frank.

24...I'm 22 years old, now. We may have some things in common, maybe even he might trust me in ways so I can cooperate with him through his diagnosis and medication. I would help a lot more than Rose, Cristina or Abbey. They're all over 30. I'm the youngest in all the staff, yet I am the head boss. There's over 15 different Nurses in this Institution. My age is why many of the younger patients are given to me to look after. Especially the children.

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