Too Painful to forget

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Abdul Jabbar's POV

"mum, what do you want?"

"please don't ever touch me again mum"

"God! I don't like it. Can't you just let me be. I hate my life".

The memories of the times when I was nice to my mum flew past my brain. I shut it out forcefully. Those times when she came back from God Knows where.

That woman sure knows how to spoil my day even in the absence of her presence. I had spoken to my dad  last night. He told me mum wasn't around and I could go visit him. I haven't seen dad in 3 years.

I left home when I couldn't bear mum anymore. I left hoping to forget all she made me go through as a kid.
She claimed she had repented and wished to be reunited with us all.

My dad who was still in love took her back. My siblings didn't mind but I did. I am not the last child of my parents but my mum had taken my lil sis when she left. Then I was barely 4 years but I could remember. Some things are too Painful to forget.

My dad was broken for about  5 years. We had enough money to care for our food, education, clothing and fun. We didn't clean his vomits when he got drunk, we had maids. We didn't have to open
the doors when he came home at Ungodly hours, we had a butler.

We had loads of friends but we were lonely. A void no amount of money and friendship could fill, we had in our hearts. We needed our parents.

My dad forgot the verses of the Quran that forbade drinking and disobeyed Allah. Allah must have punished him as he battled various kidney diseases for years following the first 5 years he had been drinking.

AlhamduliLLah Allah opened his eyes and he quit his drinking habit and focused on us. Maybe my siblings were able to forget or told themselves they did but I couldn't.

By the time my dad came back to life I was gone. My head was already dark and filled with darkness and disgust and hate which I still struggle with 10 years after. I remember he sat us down and asked for forgiveness and became a good Muslim again

I find it had to like people and families irritate me. Now I am 24 and work at my family's family business which has ran for a little above a century. I had moved to
Abuja and work at the Abuja branch of my family's company leaving my parents at Abeokuta where I grew up.

'The people you work with don't like you' my dad had once told me
'I don't like them either and I don't care'      I replied. He wasn't surprised
Dad called last night.

"Abdul Jabbar my son"
"hey dad"

"How are you? oh God I miss you. come home son"
"you know I can't dad. The witch?

"Your mother isn't a witch AJ. and she isn't home either"
"whatever dad"

"your siblings miss you and all want to see you after all these while"
"I'll think about it but no promises and you had better not be lying about the Witch"

"Your mother isn't a... " I hung up on him
The headaches are getting worse lately and I am incredibly lonely but I prefer this to being around people. I groaned and went back to sleep

I had left when I was 21, two years after the witch came back. She tried to get close to all of us. But I want everything in this world once that can take me away from her....

Maybe I should go home. It's not like I miss anyone. Okay?
Maybe I do miss them. No I don't.
Good job Abdul Jabbar, now you fight with your own self.
I just want to see my room again.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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