Give The Love Around

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I sat there in shock. My idol, my hero, thinks that i'm special. Me. I obviously get lost in my thoughts because next thing I know we're kissing. Exactly like in the movies, fireworks, music. But something didn't feel right, "Stop," I pleaded, "this isn't right. I'm still a school girl, it feels wrong." He stared at me, devestated. What did I just do? I'm an idiot. One shot at happiness and it's gone. Still sat in silence, Dan takes my phone and types his number, "It's not wrong, it's perfect. You're perfect. We could do this if w-"

Soph interupted."H we've got to go, I tried to stall it but your dads going crazy. Sorry guys, it was amazing to meet you." I wasn't listening, my eyes were fixated on him, he's right, i do need him. But I ruined everything. "Harriet!" She was shaking me now, I go to give the lads a hug. Danny's is awkward and painful, I ruined everything- I blew it.

When we reached Sophie's house I just about managed a smile. I got home and I broke down, everything I touch breaks, I can't do this. My phone beeped- Dan: I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you. I need to see you, meet me outside. x

I peeled back the curtains and sure enough there he was, wiping away the heavily run mascara I make my way out. We sit in silence for a while, embracing the dark nature around us. I broke the silence with an apology, "It's my fault, I just got carried away but I meant every single word of what I said. You're special and I...I think I love you." He reached out for my hand, his eyes looked beautiful and it was like our first kiss all over again.

"I think I love you too" As I teased his hair.

When we had to part it was hell, but blissful. I love him, I do. I thought about him all night, and dreamt of us together over and over. It never felt wrong, it feels right and for the first time in months, i'm happy again.

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